A key to my own growth, which I learned as a firefighter, was letting go of my need to know the outcome following my action. I can only ever do my best. As long as I do, I don't need to know how the experience of others continues. 🙏❤️

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that right there has always been the hardest thing for me — uncertainty in times of extreme triggered-ness. I’m learning that now, choosing to, so i dont have to get so violently thrown by external circumstances that i have no control over. thank you so much for sharing this.

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Thank you for this meditation.

Fear is always an illusion. Looking back on all of the experienced fears in my life, they have never played out. Accepting the tough shit frees you from fear.

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thank you for this. i've definitely experienced my worst fears coming true in some cases, but possibly not -- because if we break fear down to "what are we afraid of IF that thing happens" it usually always boils down to some form of incurable suffering or death. So I suppose you're right, cuz im not dead, and there is no suffering that is uncurable or insurmountable. thank you.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this full moon meditation yoga class. Did it at the moment the webcast went online. Very powerful. I’m so grateful you introduced this to me. Meditation helps me remain in a calm state.

And used the full moon to recharge my crystals.

Love, Hugs and Blessings 💙🙏💫🥰🤗

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Much love to you. It was a great blessing among intense times... felt good to simply be in my own skin -- something I used to run from at all costs. Big love to you and so grateful this practice is benefiting you so well ❤️

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