I found this perfect for the times

The charlatans and obsequious

Those who would not know real if it t bagged them on the nose

The game player, fellow citizen betrayer

The corporate big tech shill

The bullies who are the nihilistic cowards

Don't ever apologize for channeling your anger in such a way

Those who need the sorry and disclaimer are the mentally ill not you

Righteous indignation is what's needed in spades

Not hating ass troll bitches with fat girl energy and clown hair...or the men who try to make them conform into whatever plastic mold they say fuck them any motherfucking ways

Never apologize again for art like this my kindred spirit of a digital friend

Bc you are rightfully pissed off and more people should be

Yet everyone likes their chains and shiny things

Don't rock the boat, don't react bad

You may end up finding the people who they wish you never had

To say we are bound by and constricted and manipulated to be whatever they say you are is an understatement

We all know that nobody knows you but you truly

So get mad and channel it as such

While the world burns down and goes hush.


Seriously you are righteously upset. So am I. The fake are falling off while the old world systems one by one die.

πŸ™β€οΈπŸ”₯ I agree with you πŸ’― percent dude.

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dude, THANK YOU. i cant thank you enough for how beautiful this is, and also, how validating that was, because it fucking IS uncomfortable to share shit like this because ... i'm afraid of scaring people. but this is honesty - and if i would not have written it down in the moment i was feeling it -- there's only so long you can hold this shit in before it has serious consequences. we have to get it out. THANK YOU. also, i felt it in a real way when you said this: "The game player, fellow citizen betrayer" REAL

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I was moved by what you wrote and was like hold up, no disclaimer needed, you have every right to say what you said. I liked everything you said. I was inspired. I wasn't going to hit send but did. I'm all embarrassed now. 😳 😁 lol.

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Tesstamona is testifying in da house! No need to apologize for your savage rant against the brainwashed masses, against the psychopaths hellbent for global destruction, and all the sycophants who lick their blood encrusted boots.

I can’t think of a better way to battle against this than with the weapons of poetry. Love the memes too. You go soul sister! More poetic power to you!

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omg i have CHILLS READING THIS. THANK YOU. what you said… β€œi cant think of a better way to battle against this than with the weapons of poetry” YES!!!!! Something came over me maybe six months back when i first started sharing poetry here on substack. I would notice people in the comments would start responding in poetic form / poetry themselves, like it was a fluency we all have (and I believe it is). Something told me, this is it. This is the lifeblood of revolution. Be it art, music, poetry… but there’s something so unique about poetry. Poetry is the lifeblood of revolution, and since we’ve tried all other measures… I really believe it is in this sacred art form that dates back to the OLDEST written word we humans have (that we’re aware of, the words of the Sumerian Poet and Goddess Enhenduanna) that has the power to truly awaken us right now. i cant thank you enough for sharing what you did here, it was incredibly powerful, thank you.

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You’re very welcome Tess. It’s really encouraging to see others on this platform becoming aware of the power of words and reclaiming them. Poetry needs to reclaim its rightful place as a powerful art form, one that’s relevant to whatever timeline we’re living in. I’m doing what I can in these trenches (being a soldier in the ImagiNation Army). Keep shining as brightly as you can!

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I love that. the Eye-MAGI-Nation Army ✨ And likewise to you… thank you for your work. I really do believe that poetry is the lifeblood of revolution and this is how the souls can be stirred to remembering, including our own. Much love to you.

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I totally agree, great way to put it: the lifeblood of revolution. It's really our last form of free expression, and even that is being threatened in various ways. Which is why--I feel--that poetry's been trivialized into IG slides, one-liners, people who want to be the next Taylor Swift or Rupi Kaur. As if those are the heights of self-expression. (sorry if I'm coming off like a snob, but that's how I'm reading this landscape). It's a cul-de-sac that the weasels want us poets to spin in. Sorry, not doing it. Looking forward to more of your Tesstamonials (wink). hugs, VP

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Love, is a Savage Grace,

Fire, flame and storm.

It requires a Savage Grace to clear away the damage from ourselves, and to fill the void within with Love.

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you are one of the most uniquely powerful writers. and i believe you.

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Thank you.

Any words of power grace and love,

Are not my own.

I, am just a guy that reads the book.

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πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

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You’re very welcome. It’s an honor and a privilege.

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Well Tesstamona, you are certainly restless today… provocative even.

If this doesn’t spur the reader to consider something meaningful, does the reader have a mind?

β€œi wonder why you build such a facade in the digital world

but when i see you in real life

i see nothing”

This is a product of the digital world. It isn’t real.

β€œpray and

listen to the orchestra of nature

surrender myself to a system of greater wisdom...”

That is what I am doing with whatever time I have left. Lots of communing with nature, and work outdoors in the mountains when it’s reasonably safe, and building quality human relationships here in a β€œsafe zone” – may you do the same.

β€œwe ask for it constantly with this artificial womb nanny state we’ve demanded,

and so they create.”

The nanny state is not long for this world, for the breasts are running dry, and the madness has filled the goddess of destruction, the one the babes are feeding from.

β€œthey don’t care when people die

they are subhuman now.

they make jokes about it. they feel nothing.

nothing except MAYBE if it happens to them.

good luck when it's your turn to be disembodied,

will your β€œpeople” pray for you?”

This is what a lifetime of psychological operations do for most of the population, the ones that have allowed all their energy to be drained by the wetiko of the world and those that are full of it. Death is quiet, and the dead don’t speak to most living beings, so they are oblivious except to the idea that they must bravely continue living, and they give themselves a pat on the back. Yet the life that many multitudes of millions live could hardly be called that. It’s merely a state of existence, a frame of survival in the moment that they fail to recognize.

Don’t be this. Be better. Be real.

Prayer is for the earnest of heart, people that are alive and actually care. Prayer is for the living. The dead are past that, and have moved to another scope of existence.

Thanks for expressing yourself freely. Someone may awake.

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Thank you SO MUCH for what you shared here. And you are right, generations of psyops have made people often less "human" than an AI language model. something kinda interesting happened. I cant post images in the comments, but I'll share it in notes and tag you. There were several things that sparked this when I wrote it this AM.

one of them, which i believe was the straw that broke the camels back - i looked on instagram, a music magazine posted about how a famous singer had died with no known cause of death. I was like damn... I paid attention bc... any time it's a "died suddenly" with no disclosure it's usually one or two things, but always the same shit. I looked at his picture. I remembered his voice and music. It was sad. but i remembered the beautiful song.

Then, I made the choice to read the comments, which almost never goes well. The majority of the comments were legitimately sociopathic. I wont repeat what they said. I was already frustrated with this response in humans as of late when someone dies, then i see it on full display without shame, and i made a comment, and logged off.

i expected to get torn apart for it, but turns out, other people felt the same way i did. i suppose, we are the "silent minority" or perhaps, a silent MAJORITY, if only we knew how many others were out there, but we stay quiet bc... fill in the blank, so many reasons. But i will not do it anymore.

Prayer, that is what I had to do a great deal of today, and still need to do more. Following the advice of Beinsa Duono and kicking that WAY up until I can establish more of a "stream".

I will also go for a walk in nature right now. thank you so much for your words.

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Jun 25Liked by Tesstamona

Reminds me of the P.I.L. tune Rise. Look up the lyrics on


You’ve used your anger to create Tesstamona. Excellent way to channel it.

Thanks for sharing! πŸ™πŸ’–

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and thank you. thank you for reading and sharing.

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Absolutely. You’re most welcome. I love P.I.L., especially the albums titled Album and Seattle. Many good tunes! Enjoy! πŸ˜πŸ’–

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You are so very right, my friend. And as always your words are spot on like arrows hitting their target. Never change, never give in, never surrender πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ’«πŸ€—πŸ₯°

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so much love to you joyce, for so many reasons. you are a gift. thank you for reading. and for sharing all that you do.

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Too much honour, my dear friend πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ₯°πŸ€—

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