Thank you for the shout out!

Jupiter, a magnifying agent.

Black Magick,


Seems what you put together is reflecting what I was observing.

Well done.

You had some seriously tasty turns of phrase.

This however ,I think should be screamed aloud repeatedly :

"Acting on, speaking on, and operating on an energy of malice is black magic. Interfering with another persons WILL is black magic. Any violation of Natural Law is black magic. Being an asshole and harming others is black magic."

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screamed aloud repeatedly 😆 😆 😆 that would make a decent billboard, at very least maybe we start our own line of friendly holiday reminder holiday cards that say shit like that. Thank you so much because that felt good to tap into what the fuck was going on.. i kept wondering and for some reason just wasn't looking, so thank you for inspiring me to do so. I appreciate you.

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I've noticed a particularly high level of aggression with people generally for some time now.

People accelerate from mild agitation to spitting fire very quickly and this happens publicly where one might expect some reservation.

Something must be influencing this behaviour.

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Dude I keep trying to restack your comment and it won’t let me but it’ll let me restack others ??? Hoping it’s a glitch and not something intentional on this platform

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Yes to that.., I’ve observed it even in myself. Need to get a lot of rest tonight and take care of my health cuz this has been abnormal amounts of it. 🙏

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I can add; tho not attached to astrology, some of the rage & anger & all around nasty disposition has to do with 2020-today, between the damn psy-opp of lockdowns, pilfered life savings/investments, & the chem injections- ppls brains are a lil fucked to say the least😞😞

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That is absolutely true. Whats weird is even the astrology indicated an event like 2020, people were predicting something like that years prior. The false powers that falsely be at present day are well aware of how to work with cosmic energies to "enhance" what they do which is essentially sorcery/black magic. But yeah locking everyone down, isolating them, putting them infront of screens and poisoning them with LED lights and 5G and fear --- and we wonder why there's no "mental health data" or even suicide statistics since 2021. No secret at all. Thank you for this comment love. I appreciate you!

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Jan 23, 2024
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i never thought abotu the flight or fight instincts but that makes sense because it restricted breathing and made it so people were inhaling the toxins the lungs normally expel. It definitely contributed to the apathy we see I believe as well because it made it so you couldn't read facial expressions and emotions which definitely impacted the kids the hardest since they're still learning how to interpret emotional cues and then they just lost the opportunity for years.

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We live in a time of difficulty. Civilisation, such as it is, has only been a thin veneer. It is not deeply rooted. When people are suffering they "take it out" on other people around them. There is a lot of suffering right now. We also live in a time of disappointment.

God is disappointed in the unwillingness of people to care for one another, free one another from slavery, stop the wars, and end tyranny. We have those things within our power. And there is no great boisterous movement to do any of them.

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Agreed. It hurts my heart. If I’m not careful it’ll drive me off a cliff.

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Then do please be careful. Be of good cheer. God loves you and wants you to have eternal salvation. God wants us to make the world a less frightful place. We have God's legions on our side to defeat spiritual wickedness. A reckoning comes. We also have much to do to make things better and to teach future generations the lessons we are learning. So please stick around. The fun parts are just beginning. God bless you, Tess. Amen.

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Wow, dude. Your knowledge is unparalleled in this. Thanks for putting this information together. I've definitely felt some rage within myself lately but I've pulled back to recognize it. I'm also a work in progress and I have no illusions about myself. The best thing we can do is recognize when we are out of alignment with Self and pull back. I have to remind myself of that but also go easy on myself to know I have come so far and to even recognize and correct my weakness in real time is something I could not have done one year ago. Isn't it crazy how if you miss one day of no mediation it's so noticeable? This article was a work of love I'm sure. Much respect.

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Thank you and I’m glad it was helpful. Your article last night really resonated like beyond anything I am gonna put in a public comment but holy shit. I’m right there with you is all I’ll say. 🙏

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You got me intrigued but I understand.

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I am an amateur astronomer. Observational astronomy. I've got many questions - one - I would like to know why Polaris sits pretty much steady and motionless in the sky. All while we are spinning around thousands of miles an hour. But you can always keep your sights on Polaris. There are some explanations about this phenomenon which don’t make sense to me and dont align with the physical narrative we view. Thank you for exploring this area Tesstamona

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This is an excellent question to which I do not have the answer to... butt you are right, that would NOT align with what we are told about the earths rotation at very least. I could ask my astrologer the next time I speak with him, or see if I can find anything in the ancient texts he uses, which should be arriving any day, I just finally got ahold of them and ordered them but they're taking a while. In thinking about it, it does create a sneaking suspicion that we are not told the truth about the planet we currently inhabit, whether that be size, shape, rotation, or even the cosmos themselves. I have a LOT of questions myself that I have yet to answer -- if I find anything that makes sense, I will definitely relay the information. Wish I had a better answer lol.

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I just go by what I observe and not what is written because most of are lies.

Another problem I have is I can see the street lights of a little town of Tipton California from about 18 miles away. They should be below the horizon….. according to NASA‘s math.

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I was a Land Surveyor.

Helped build roads, runways, bridges, causeways. I have measured over long distances, over water. Curvature is real, on one job the rodman had to elevate the prism by six feet. Started out at exactly six feet. Over the distance, the surface of the water was six feet lower than where we began, or, it was the curvature.

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Understand I’m not doubting curvature … I just want to know the exact measurements of the curvature. How is that determined as a surveyor?

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As a surveyor What is the mathematical formula you are using to measure the curvature of the earth when you do your work? Thank you! I’m just trying to figure out where I can see the street lights in Tipton about 17 to 18 miles away at night when they should be under the curvature.

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Then you do know the formula? Thanks!

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We calculate for both atmospheric diffraction, and curvature. We also must compensate for PPM, parts per million of air pollution and humidity. Using a laser. The standard being a Helium Argon Laser, one m inketer is precisely the wavelength of the laser, peak to peak.

All said the error rate for just curvature is

C=O.O239Dsquared. D being the sight distance measured.

This works out to about 8" per mile.


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Formula for mathematically calculating any kind of curvature? Is there one? My understanding is I should not be able to see street lights which are 30 feet high from about 18 miles away. Nor should I be able to see a mountain range about 100 miles away. According to the math that has been given to me. You seem to know a whole lot more so I would love to hear your answer to my question ? How does that happen? I use NASA’s formula which I forgot what it is.

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A thing to consider, everything is moving. Along different vectors, different speeds, we know some of the math projections work because of stellar alignments from megaliths. I many cases megaliths align with stars where they used to be.

Regarding how they did it back then, they used a form of Sextant. Now called the Celtic Cross. The Celtic Cross has been misidentified as a solar symbol. It is in fact. stellar symbol. Just as the swastika was misidentified as a solar symbol. It is a depiction of the precession of the Big Dipper.

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Dang auto correct. I had to delete that whole response.

I don’t know anymore than anybody else how earth is spinning around in space according to the Big Bang theory we are taught in school. .. and like all the new things we are being told like the earth is pear-shaped instead of round. I don’t know. How are you do sure?

All I know is what I observe. That’s what observational astronomy is. Observe without listening to science. I would like to know why I can see the street lights of the little town of Tipton from well over 15 miles away when they should be below the horizon according to NASA’s math? You are aware of this formula I'm assuming.

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Polaris does move.

Several thousand years ago the " North Star was a completely different one.

Precession is what it is called I believe.

Of course I do not believe I understand enough to explain it correctly.

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It would be interesting to note as well, are we viewing it the same as others are in other parts of the world? I can only say YES if someone eitther tells me or WAIT A FKN SECOND... OK Stellarium, I'll have to download the official software and just do this... you can look at the sky from any point ton the planet, so that'd answer some questions, but also, there is an ephemeris in there, one could actually go as far back as we have recordings for and track for movement. I have zero intel on the matter so thats why i'd outsource the question to someone like Trifon whose been observing the sky for decades, but Stellarium is also a resource i forgot to mention.

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Just go outside and observe. 🌙 💫 ✨

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Yes it does slightly move. That’s why I said “pretty much motionless.” It’s always in the same spot in the sky. That’s why not the Phoenicians and the Polynesians used it as a solid guide. Because it is. And Polaris lines up perfectly with the north pole….an visible line connecting the two. I have to wonder about those things I see in the sky. Don’t you? 😏

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I feel like this is a time of purging. Everyone's angry about something or lots of somethings, and most of us are not taught healthy ways to handle anger. We're ticking time bombs, and those bombs are going off together. I don't think it's a coincidence (I don't believe in those) that there is a massive pull for us to return to our authentic selves lately. We have to release all energy that isn't rightfully ours, and maybe the excess anger is part of that.

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All I can say is I agree - but right now I am definitely feeling all of this energy very intensely and it’s hard to even put words together so I’ll leave it at that, but thank you for this comment. Shit is getting very intense so I’m gonna walk my ass into my house and do some kundalini yoga for the full moon because to say this is a time of purging I think is probably the most concise way to put it.

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Wow! Thank you for all this amazing info, Tess! I'm blown away by how much it overlaps with the Rebel this week. That energy is REALLY in the field right now. I love how you broke it down to the two different ways to respond to this energy. So perfect! I'm shooting for option one myself, but also won't be too surprised if I devolve into the hyperreactive asshole. Work in progress. 💕

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Amen to that lol I’ve def been the hyperreactive asshole but I’d say 85% of the time I didn’t take it out on anyone and it stayed internal. The other 15% though holy shit.

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Thank you Tess! I like always love your information. And being I'm witnessing and try to stay on balanced and positive side of this disturbance love your posts. Gotta add the comments are great too. Just made me wonder one more time if we aren't just a science project on some aliens dresser and that one constant planet is his warming lamp keeping us alive? And maybe the big bang theory wasn't just that light burning out and getting replaced??🤔 Regardless I'm going to be of the energy that is harmonic and vibes in the positive!😘

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Love you Kenny. So so much. 🙏🙏🙏

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The greatest black magic in America right now is The Official Narrative flowing out of DC and Wall Street, like an occupier in a foreign nation, setting the tone for the nation. Such black magic trickles down better than money, exacerbating all manner of pathologies. A lot of the hostility around us is the empire cracking up, generating and expanding mental illness everywhere.

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True, and they take advantage of transits that give it extra power as well. If you pay attention long enough you’ll see that every major event that has led to more tyranny was as if it was timed for certain alignments. They pay attention. And yeah the unbelievable spell of disconnect is certainly causing a crisis in mental health among other things

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One of the three pillars of alchemy is astrology. The one I am reminded I have neglected.

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In surveying, in the field , I multiplied the distance, horizontal , in miles, for example, by eight inches.

Using a fixed tripod mounted Transit, and A Laser. The Laser would be focused upon a triple prism arranged on a precision , adjustable pole.

For my set up, the Height of Instrument was Six Feet., so the Prism was set at six feet. Doing a runway once, just over a mile long, at One mile, the rod had to be adjusted to 6'8", in order to be seen by the laser, at one and a half miles, it. Had to be raised to 7', the same ratio occurred over longer distance over water.

This held true in Florida, New Mexico, California, Australia, and Namibia.

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What little I know derived from my study of Neolithic through early bronze age megalith building cultures of North Western Europe. Archeo-Astonomy.

Interesting , in the southern Hemisphere they used the constellations visible there. I think the Southern cross, but am probably wrong.

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