AWOL: Humanity
Do you still have yours? On the collective reactions to disasters and sufferings of the "OTHER":
You may be just fine in regard to the intactness of your humanity — but many of you are not.
I’m going to make this short and bittersweet.
When Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton wrecked the southeast, where I live, guess what all of us heard TONS of?
“God punishing MAGA!”
“That’s one way to drain the swamp!”
“that’s what they get for voting for (fill in blank)!”
I saw people cheering and laughing on social media for the devastation that either destroyed everything families (including children) had to call home, OR even worse, that resulted in thousands of casualties, many of whom have still not been found (WNC).
This is sociopathic. When you have become this, you are devoid of humanity and are nothing more than a creature.
What am I seeing again, now that Los Angeles is on fire, which CLEARLY anybody with a shred of a brain cell can see is done intentionally to make way for smart cities?
I see the same thing.
“HAHA, BURN!! Its your fault, LIBERALS!!”
I’ve seen that not just on regular social media, I’ve seen it on Substack.
I’ve half the nerve to directly call people out in this publication but I’ve already directly called them out on their own postings so, perhaps best to not waste any more time and get to why I’m writing this in the middle of my work day:
I’m going to share what’s been shared with me by my friends.
I used to live in Los Angeles. I have a lot of friends there. I have a sibling not too far outside the county as well.
This is with the presumption that some people may get back in touch with their humanity after seeing it from a real person as opposed to hype on the internet - I may very well be delusional in thinking people are capable for breaking out of their conditioning.
Speaking of the internet - the story of the Oregon firefighters who were blocked in CA from entering due to “emissions” is a LIE. It has proven to be nothing but an internet hoax for some parasitic creature to get clicks.
This is why I have not been on Substack lately. It disgusts me what I am seeing here. Step away from the machine, get grounded back in your bodies and spirits and look around at what is actually real.
To the people who this does NOT apply to, I imagine you’re aware of that and have the discernment to not think I’m talking about you — if you aren’t smugly celebrating the traumas and tragedies of your fellows, I’m not talking about you.

Well, that’s all I have to say.
My friends are good people. 9 million people live in Los Angeles County.
Do not for one second think you can lump them all into one category. You cannot.
Just as the victims of Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton were blamed and not given a shit about, so too are the people in LA County.
If you’ve lived through a devastating fire, tornado, flood or hurricane, or had to evacuate because of one and just know what tf that is like… then I doubt youre one of these people clapping their hands for this right now.
But if you are…
How would you feel, if it was your neighborhood?
If we do not unite on ONE common purpose of not being murdered or made homeless to suit a smart city / open air prison agenda - then guess what?
One day, it will be your neighborhood. No one and no where is off limits.
I don’t really care what you do anymore.
I know what I’m going to do.
And part of that was putting this out there because holy shit - you are losing your minds from getting your idea of reality from the internet, TV and social media.
Now, Im going to get back tot my life. If you’d like to tap in with music, podcast, videos, poetry, you can do so at this link - otherwise, I’ll talk again when I have something else to say.
Edit: including this Reese Report which features a Forensic Arborist:
You can also see my older post regarding geoengineering, evidence, and military documents:
I would hope that for the few who get ($$) to rebuild, they would choose less flammable things like real adobe (without wood inside the walls) or rammed earth housing. It would just make more sense. The building of such earth based structures actually is quicker than wood housing, because the walls, once erected, are for the most part complete.
Seems like most affected will not be able to stay, so I do wonder what the displaced will do; go south, inland, or rough it on the street. The DoD needs to die a very undignified death.
It’s unfortunate. Red and blue are both part of the same machine. The media/news manipulate people to fight other people on what “talking head” has “better policies” but in the end they are both out for themselves.