dude ILY and thank you. Only dealing with mild suppression on the platforms but so grateful it is not removed anywhere. Thank you and everyone from the 'stack who has helped so much with getting this out there. ❤️
"Until we can unplug from the machine, let us use their same tactics. However, instead of an onslaught of insanity, let us unleash an onslaught of Love, Truth, Wisdom"- yassss!! I love this dude! Needs to be viral AF!
You are welcome. Love you dude. Seriously this should be what people are talking about about. Not Taylor effing swift. You are actually saying something. You rock. ❤️🙏💯
I just shared you with Cafe Locked Out, though they may already know re you I wanted to make sure. Thanks again for the song, of course, and for your prev. outreach after the Geo&Empire interview. I am the one who is looking at moving from Portland OR. I loved your comment about how folks go all Lord of the Flies when you mention certain things....makes me want to read or see it, it's been years. Maybe I don't have to, cuz we livin it. Ah, need somethinl to read. Best
Hey, first off thank you so much for doing that! I’m actually not sure who they are so we likely don’t know about the other, I’ll have to check them out. And yes, I absolutely remember you after the geopolitics and empire interview. It got my attention that the first person to comment about strategically relocating was somebody from my home state, and not too far from my hometown! I imagine it has not gotten much better out there.
If you ever have questions when you embark on your relocation journey, feel free to reach out, I lived in three states since I left Oregon so I’ve definitely bounced around, but I have found tremendous people and adventure and a good place to be for now. 🙏🙏🙏
Mrr.....You know, getting through the winter. Have done some things to lower emf in the home, post idiot me ter, incl a fiber optic service. Also I turn off breaker nightly for best sleep. A bit of a pain but well worth it. I live in the room with the me ter outside., so I moved things away by 8 ft or so. Still I would seek out living in inwired space ideally. Being from Detroit, I viisited the Ford Edison Museum there too many times. I think many are making the connection btwn electricy and our modern ills. Like Da. Persevere, love
amen. i’ve noticed that changes everything about my mentality and perception / grasp on reality - when i increase my actual time IRL with other human beings and minimize the digital involvement as much as possible ❤️
Of course! And I would love to know more about working with Saturn. I was just reading a piece from Solarah about Saturn going direct and yeah that's definitely something I need to bepaying more attention to.
Oooh okay. I will definitely do something on Saturn then. I do not use tropical astrology as she does, but Saturn is still Saturn, so I’d imagine a lot will overlap. I’ll record it audio and then include resources for others to make that journey if they so choose. Thank you for asking 🙏
This is very well done. I am extremely particular as to what I place in my brain, even in terms of music and art imagery. Your music is legit. Thank you for this stellar offering.
Last night my Spotify AI DJ started the set with Algorithm Ghetto. Well done, Tess! I think your music is top notch and can’t wait to see what else you create. ❤️
Absolutely awesome! I love your unique style and I hope one day I will be lucky enough to see you perform in person! I realize there is probably a generation of age difference between us, but I believe we have walked the same path led by others before us, the few and in tune souls, seeking the fire that needs to be quenched...
What a voice ! Awesome
Thank you so much for listening!
Ya'll better listen up to this wisdom it's gonna flip the fucked up algorithm!
dude ILY and thank you. Only dealing with mild suppression on the platforms but so grateful it is not removed anywhere. Thank you and everyone from the 'stack who has helped so much with getting this out there. ❤️
I shared around outside of this platform too, love it!
Dude thank you so much for that!!!
Brilliant work, Tesstamona. Worth the two years. ❤️
That almost made tears come out of my face. the "worth the two years". THANK YOU SO MUCH. 😭 ❤️
It’s a great work of art ❤️
"Until we can unplug from the machine, let us use their same tactics. However, instead of an onslaught of insanity, let us unleash an onslaught of Love, Truth, Wisdom"- yassss!! I love this dude! Needs to be viral AF!
You are welcome. Love you dude. Seriously this should be what people are talking about about. Not Taylor effing swift. You are actually saying something. You rock. ❤️🙏💯
I just shared you with Cafe Locked Out, though they may already know re you I wanted to make sure. Thanks again for the song, of course, and for your prev. outreach after the Geo&Empire interview. I am the one who is looking at moving from Portland OR. I loved your comment about how folks go all Lord of the Flies when you mention certain things....makes me want to read or see it, it's been years. Maybe I don't have to, cuz we livin it. Ah, need somethinl to read. Best
Hey, first off thank you so much for doing that! I’m actually not sure who they are so we likely don’t know about the other, I’ll have to check them out. And yes, I absolutely remember you after the geopolitics and empire interview. It got my attention that the first person to comment about strategically relocating was somebody from my home state, and not too far from my hometown! I imagine it has not gotten much better out there.
If you ever have questions when you embark on your relocation journey, feel free to reach out, I lived in three states since I left Oregon so I’ve definitely bounced around, but I have found tremendous people and adventure and a good place to be for now. 🙏🙏🙏
Mrr.....You know, getting through the winter. Have done some things to lower emf in the home, post idiot me ter, incl a fiber optic service. Also I turn off breaker nightly for best sleep. A bit of a pain but well worth it. I live in the room with the me ter outside., so I moved things away by 8 ft or so. Still I would seek out living in inwired space ideally. Being from Detroit, I viisited the Ford Edison Museum there too many times. I think many are making the connection btwn electricy and our modern ills. Like Da. Persevere, love
Great video! Almost as good as your live set at the self reliance festival 😝
whaaaat were you there at SRF??
I heart this phrase especially, but it's all good:
"Every time we trade molecules for pixels..."
amen. i’ve noticed that changes everything about my mentality and perception / grasp on reality - when i increase my actual time IRL with other human beings and minimize the digital involvement as much as possible ❤️
Despite appearances (to some) I'm trying to do the same thing. It's quite amazing how deeply bedazzled, in the bad way, we've become.
Love this, love the song, love the video, love you.
Kristen!! thank you SO MUCH dude!!! LOVE YOU ❤️
Of course! And I would love to know more about working with Saturn. I was just reading a piece from Solarah about Saturn going direct and yeah that's definitely something I need to bepaying more attention to.
Oooh okay. I will definitely do something on Saturn then. I do not use tropical astrology as she does, but Saturn is still Saturn, so I’d imagine a lot will overlap. I’ll record it audio and then include resources for others to make that journey if they so choose. Thank you for asking 🙏
Haha I started listening to Solara a couple months back! She's🔥
Yeah she is!
Awesome Words of Wyrd! Great Work milady!
Thank you so much Donn!! A massive salute from one poet and musician and truth sayer to another!!! much respect!!!!
Just keep it up!
No retreat, no surrender .
Remember you can only lose if you surrender, so long as you fight, victory is within sight.
“For everyone gaslit into the fourth dimension.” Perfect!
Awesome video Tesstamona. 💖
You are very welcome!
This is very well done. I am extremely particular as to what I place in my brain, even in terms of music and art imagery. Your music is legit. Thank you for this stellar offering.
Last night my Spotify AI DJ started the set with Algorithm Ghetto. Well done, Tess! I think your music is top notch and can’t wait to see what else you create. ❤️
Absolutely awesome! I love your unique style and I hope one day I will be lucky enough to see you perform in person! I realize there is probably a generation of age difference between us, but I believe we have walked the same path led by others before us, the few and in tune souls, seeking the fire that needs to be quenched...
Omg you did ? Yo thank you!!!! 🙏🙏🙏 I’m just getting back to messages online may take a minute but thank u so much