This is just a message for you…
Regardless of whether you observe todays holiday (for those who live in the US) or not, I wish you a day of rest, rejuvenation, peace and connection.
May societal projections of what it’s “supposed to look like” phase you none— may we remember we are always creating our own paths and experiences. May we remember we are not here for a passive ride on a conveyor belt.
May we all treat each other with authenticity, respect and love today.
May all human beings have an open heart today.
May honesty and accountability prevail
May justice touch the lives of all
In all ways
May those who we have judged and overlooked
Be treated with dignity
May we slow down and examine
Where we project our own biases
May we realize we are all connected
No one is better than anyone else
Some people have better character and habits and morals than others, sure,
But that is often not why we judge…
We often judge to make the insecurities of a falsely constructed identity (ego) feel superior, because its needs to feel “better than” just feel “equal”..
This is the nature of the egoic mind, on its never-ending quest for security, and the reason it is never-ending, is because looks in every area where security cannot be found..
May all beings be released from this spell today
May all beings touch their true nature today
May all hearts be open
And may all beings be at peace, oneness, connection, and harmony
May all hearts be open on this day
And every day moving forward
And may we assist one another on these journeys
As opening our hearts in this matrix… is one of the most challenging endeavors one could ever take on
Salute 🫡
Visit the bottom of page for a final note and offering. XO
And most of all, thank you for being on this email list. Thank you for supporting this publication. Thank you for connecting with me and sharing your thoughts, opinions and experiences. You have opened my world to a new level of conversation and idea sharing that I cannot tell you how grateful I am for… but it is you that has contributed to my faith in humanity, it is you that makes me tell my friends who are feeling down that there’s an awakening occurring right now that I’ve never seen before, and there is hope.
Thank you.
As a thank you, you can gain access to all paywalled content/subscriber only content for 30 days. If you decide you don’t want to continue past your trial, you may cancel with no charge (within the 30 day window!) This offer runs until December 1st. XO
Thank you, Tesstamona! I love your frog graphic! Lol, there was a giant frog hidden somewhere in our house the past day. A large one because of the size of its croak.🐸
We can't find it, but it's sound comes from one of our bathrooms. Our guess is it's the under the house.
Just a little aside story for a Happy Thanksgiving to you! 🦃✨🤗✨🙏