Thank you, Tesstamona! I love your frog graphic! Lol, there was a giant frog hidden somewhere in our house the past day. A large one because of the size of its croak.🐸

We can't find it, but it's sound comes from one of our bathrooms. Our guess is it's the under the house.

Just a little aside story for a Happy Thanksgiving to you! 🦃✨🤗✨🙏

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omg i love this lol. i may repost that meme just bc of this. I have another little frog story but not an IRL frog -- my friend a long time ago gave me a little frog trinket made out of clay for one of my sobriety anniversaries, she said it was significant bc of the acronym of frog, which was Fully Relying On God - for some reason i just now remembered that! I hope you and your family had wonderful T day! and I hope that frog comes out from under your house lol thats kinda dope you have a little pond sage just hanging out under there!!

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much love homie!

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❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Well said! Much love!

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much love to you as well!! 🙏

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Lol! Thank you!🙏

I just saw and commented on your post! 😅🐸

He’s still in the bathroom or under the house! 🏡 He sounds like a very happy froggy!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving weekend! 🤗✨🦃

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Beautiful words! I too am hopeful for humanity, and I am absolutely here for the Awakening happening right now. There are many dark things people don't know about, but truth is bringing it all to light. Many blessings to you!

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