Memento Mori Alchemy
The Great Remembering Podcast
It Is No Wonder At All (audio version)

It Is No Wonder At All (audio version)

Dystopian Poetry from a Coal Mine Canary, Ahrimanic Prophecy, Beinsa Duono and Rudolf Steiner:

This is the audio version, since the poem / prose was a bit long.

I’ve never released a podcast direct to Substack, hopefully this works. This is the audio recording of the written post from earlier today. For the resources I included (links to videos, written archives, etc) to the works of Rudolf Steiner and a few others, see original post, released this morning.

For music, or the rest of the podcast on platforms like spotify/apple/etc, or to link with me in the digital gulags (for however much longer that lasts) please kindly see link below.


Music. Podcast. Digital Gulags.


Memento Mori Alchemy
The Great Remembering Podcast
Poet. Musician. Gypsy Dissident. Transforming tyranny and trauma into a greater capacity for Love and Creation. Art is the lifeblood of Revolution.