I wanted to compile a list of writers and publications on this platform that I get a lot of value from, and pass them along.
I love this platform. I love the fact that we can speak freely. I love the fact that it is not flooded with propaganda, bots, and biased algorithms. I love that no one, at least as far as I’ve heard, is being censored here. I appreciate that very much, and I love authenticity that comes in the form of long-form thought and conversation. Thank you to everyone who contributes, comments, reads, shares, it’s a bright spot in life to have found a community on Substack.
Let’s get started:
The Starfire Codes… just give that page a few seconds of a look. I get daily emails and actually open and read them — incredible value, both short and long form, plus a whole lot more on the website itself. This is an excellent substack to tap in with.
Solarah Speaks has a beautiful page, and I highly recommend the article she wrote a few days ago called “The Devine Mother Is Risen”. It reminded me of my worth, and yes, I needed the head check.
Derek is absolutely brilliant. I’ve had the privilege of meeting him in real life as well. He brings a balanced mind and heart and a lifetime of incredible experience and uses that perspective to bring the issues we face as a collective to a new light.
This was one of the first publications I subscribed to on this platform. The Recovering Overthinker provides tremendous value through teachings of Stoicism plus his own applied life experience. He offers workshops that I have personally taken part in, highly recommend.
If you’re a truth-seeker, you likely already know who Greg Reese is. If you don’t, holy shit. On this publication, you will find very well crafted video reports as well as a weekly podcast. He is an excellent journalist.
Another magical publication, check out Charlotte’s writing and her podcast here. She consistently puts out and supports uplifting, unifying and positive content, which is exactly what humanity needs in their feeds right now:
This is a powerful place for truth and spiritual teachings — she caught my eye at first because she is one of the rare voices that understand that the truth about our solar system can be found by literally looking up at the sky, as opposed to taking people’s words for an outdated and inaccurate way of measuring time and space (yes that was a direct jab at tropical astrology, and yes I’m a massive astrology nerd and lover.) She’s got a podcast on here as well. Thank you Rose!
This is not nearly everyone I’d recommend, but I’ll do another post for more writers/publications next week, as I realize everyone is bombarded with information non stop in todays world. Love to you all. Thank you.
Tesstamona, Sending you love hugs and magic ✨ 🤗 Thank you so much for including me on your list of reads. I'm overjoyed. Have a blessed week!
I am so honored - thank you!! Sending my love!! <3