Tonight's Lunation: A Higher Authority is Working Everything Out
Vibes, and a "Zero Sum" Mediation you can do if you choose.
What a beautiful full moon. Waning at this point, but always beautiful. If you look up to the sky, you will see it is in the constellation of taurus, in the Rohini Nakshatra, in its exalted state. I wonder, to what degree, are you near the Pleiades? Looks like it. Feels like it.
Cloudy tonight, so I used a constellation app.
It feels like a Pleiades vibe, because…
Lies being exposed, and divine justice being poured, has beautifully colored this lunation, shining down on a war that I no longer have to fight.
I can only speak of experience, I am no expert on the Pleiadian star system. I am a deep lover and student of astrology, but I am not an astrologer.
But I can tell you what my astrologer told me:
He pointed out that I had conjunctions/placements in the part of the sky where the pleiades are. This star system, he explained, “are stars accused of anger, aggression, emotional problems, even mortality and witchcraft, in the worst cases” — witchcraft in this sense doesn’t mean what we think of it as today. He was referencing black magic, malice, sorcery, direct harm and interference, manipulation. I won’t get into detail of what planets I have there, but it explained a lot.
“Archetypal model with certain types of partners, drug addictions, and so on?”
Lmfao yeah.
During our two hour read I got a much better understanding for this star system and how it played out in my life.
Tonights vibe? I can see why those who go by tropical astrology still find themes of Gemini, because of the unveiling of lies, betrayals, truths, clarity — and with this, communication must come through to show us most often, no? It certainly did for me. And the glory in that?
I didn’t even need to respond.
I don’t need to fight the war anymore.
That was quite the change in communication for me (Gemini) as I’m quick to react and flash on someone who has betrayed and stolen from me. That’s changing. And this change provided the space for me to nourish and replenish myself and my basic needs/sense of security (Taurus) and to relax into the luxury of a Kundalini Yoga experience.
A Higher Authority is working everything out.
When I stand back, after I have done what I need to do, my job is to do nothing and stay out of the way.
Silence is a response. No response is a response. There is a tremendous power I am only now discovering of removing yourself from a situation and letting the Natural Laws of KARMA (or cause and effect) play out.
It doesn’t require me to do shit. And to get to sit back and watch justice and judgment come down?
Sensational. 😎
I relax. We did a beautiful set during tonights Kundalini Yoga session, from every kriya down to the music, it was like taking a hot bath, but meditation, and music, and movement. I loved it. At the very end… Jai Dev surprised me when he hit us with the “Zero Sum” meditation.
I wrote about it on the Equinox because Remington Donovan shared it with us. It was extremely effective. I shared it here on substack, you can find that article on how to do it here.
It was beautiful. The word that came to me at the end of the meditation, after all the noise of the mind and emotions were quieted, was simply Peace. A peace that I could see in my minds eye.
This peace was a current, a deep current that was always there, and a current to be anchored into.
There are massive waves and at times, tsunamis that are around me now. It would be SO easy to lose my mind.
I remember driving to work today, feeling like I should be happy because it’s a sobriety anniversary, but being in tears because of personal things I was going through. And my frustration from trying to get away from some pretty dark stuff that is not going down without a fight, that’s all I can say publicly right now. I remember thinking, “this is enough to put most people in a psych ward. What the fuck.”
I cried it out, I talked to some friends, dried my eyes, and went into work.
Believe it or not, I actually had a really good fkn day.
I talked to some more people I love very much afterwards. Did some healing work. Had some laughs. Saw some Justice and almost like a wink from God like, relax, all is in motion, I got this, you see?
Yes, I see.
It breeds excellent songwriting material as well. A very odd one came out tonight. And by odd.. I mean the title alone is gonna raise some eyebrows for sure, so if you’ve read this far… i’ll share the song here before it gets released and I’ll say “it was from the pleiadian full moon when shit was strange” and you’ll be like alright I suppose that adds up 🤷♀️
Then… to relax. To yoga. To meditate. To chant. To tap in.
Beautiful. I will continue to meditate and admire the moon until I fall asleep and wake up early for another days work. Thank you to everyone who reads this publication. I appreciate TF out of you.
Much more to come. Love.
P.S. I want to share one thing I heard regarding astrology and the sometimes conflict between different measurement systems, examples being Sidereal / Vedic versus Tropical. Technically, there is no measurement system that is 100% accurate, unless you’re going fully by the constellations, because using 30 degrees for every sign isnt real, it takes the sun 45 days to move through virgo while less than a month to move through pisces, they are different sizes. We do our best. What Jai Dev once said was:
“I am less concerned with the systems someone uses to read the sky as I am with the intuition of the person reading it.”
I listen to both. I know who is really tapped in and I know we all are tapped in when we choose to be. Funny thing is… we all tend to arrive at similar or same conclusions, we just have different ways of describing it.
I still have much to learn. What I do enjoy is opening myself up to the experience, because that is here and now, not in the future when I “figure it out”.
Thank you for answering my unasked question from last night. Here in Thailand, 12th moon of the lunar year, we celebrate the second largest Thai-only holiday, the largest being ThaiNew Year (Song ran) April 12-14.
This one, Loy Kratong, is introspective and hopeful. I was pondering this while showing my 11-month old daughter the Moon in the night sky and there was a bright point of light just to the right... Aldebaran. Perspective is everything (once you grasp awareness at least) 😉
Song kran... Note to self turn off autocorrect