I listen to the first press briefing.
I knew things were likely to go off a cliff once the transhumanist appeared as a spearhead in the cabinet, but as always, I thought we had more time.
I thought we had more time.
Time’s up.
I listen.
I see him standing there with a bunch of AI CEOs - including Sam Altman from OpenAI, the man who should be investigated for the murder of a 26-year old whistleblower and researcher at his company, Suchir Balaji, less than 60 days ago.
My stomach sank.
I began to hear them talk about their $500 billion plan for AI and put my head in my hands.
FUCK. It’s here.
This is the beginning of the greatest test any of us will ever face. And it has NOTHING to do with politics.
You will understand nothing if you cannot unlearn that.
I guess Rudolf Steiner was right. The Ahrimanic prophecy begins before my eyes.
They couldn’t have been talking for more than ten minutes before I hear of the usage of AI to develop PERSONALIZED mRNA VACCINES and…
They talk about using AI to “enhance” the network of EHR (electronic health records) and how doctors will be instructed and…
Well, we’ve all been warned enough and we know what this is.
They quickly transitioned out of that dystopian pocket and into the talking points Americans lull themselves to sleep with… yada yada yada… say all the right things…
It doesn’t matter who it is. The ship is still going where they’ve always said.
We’re like a bunch of battered housewives with Stockholm syndrome if we don’t GET IT at this point — I truly understand wanting to hope things will be different, but we’re not children and hope is not a strategy.
Honestly, that happened fast. It doesn’t matter what face ushers it in. Do not get hung up on individual politicians or political parties because there is NO difference when it comes down to the ultimate goal.
The overall agenda (societal capitulation and automation) was outlined long before I was born. Unless you were alive during WW2, the same is true for you.
No more time for explaining anything.
I thought we had more time.
Ain’t that what we all say, when someone suddenly dies?
I thought we had more time.
The time is up, and paradoxically, the time is NOW.
Now what?
I’ve received my call. I’m going to answer it. I don’t know what to do beyond that, but I’m going to start there.
I’m not going to explain anything anymore, I’m just going to do.
I have been given the signal of where to go next and what to do while I’m there, so I will waste no more time.
I hope you receive yours - even if it’s only a “short term” vision, GO and DO - the next step will be revealed.
Go where you are called in the real world. This place, the virtual world, is not your friend.
Have a way of communicating outside of this website, this app, this machine.
I will be re-activating my website as these platforms are compromised. It’s still the internet, the internet cannot be relied upon, so, get phone numbers of those you trust & want to maintain contact with and do things in real life.
To people in Florida who want to come together IRL - send me a direct message here - also leave in the comments that you sent me a DM, otherwise I won’t see it. You can also email me.
LOVE you, Tess! ❤️
Nope, this is it .. and maybe it is good that we will not have to wonder anymore .. now things will happen, people will be bought and things pushed in place .. a whole different game and a whole new set of dangers ... the crew of doom.. and thousands are cheering, hoping for change and better futures.. if we are right and it will go as can be expected, these people will be crushed ..
Dictatorship, digital Id, another war, more chemical and pharmaceutical warfare, and 15 minute concentration camps...
The possibilities are endless .. lol
Or we might get to see a miracle, the world could use one 🙌
Maybe a virus that only befalls the evil ones...
They say there is a chromosome of evil .. now that would be an extinction I'd like to see. Poetic justice.
... less likely, they will see the light..
Possibly people getting their shit together and start moving as one, maybe even in the right direction for once... lol
The possibilities are endless.. ;)
I keep hearing: wear it like a lose garment...
Thanks! Love and light 🙌🌸