there are secrets in our bodies, and they want to reveal themselves to us...
You are worth so much more than you realize:
🌟 You have survived so much. Input from envious and unhealed energies around you are insignificant. Remember who you are..or the world will shrink you and rip you to shreds, just so it doesn’t have to face the unhealed parts of itself.
🌟 Remember who you are…nothing that has harmed you, or seeks to harm you, has even a fraction of the power that is within YOU. Otherwise…they wouldn’t try so hard to break you down.
🌟 They have trained you to internalize their fear of you and how you might shatter their concept of what is and isn’t possible, as them reacting toward you because of some innate unworthiness you have. No. This is done to silence you, it is a lie. Let your body show you the truth. Don’t take my word for it.
The body keeps the score, but more than just trauma
When is the last time you…
You don’t need to go to a club, concert, class, or have a partner to dance with.
Something happens when we move unseen energies that have been dormant or trapped inside our physical, emotional, mental and energetic bodies.
We shed burdens we became so accustomed to carrying, we didn’t even notice their weight.
Until now.
Be in a room by yourself if you like. Play whatever you want. Anything that inspires a rhythm, and let your body go. This is not for performance and no one is looking.
You will start to notice all sorts of tensions, worries, burdens and neurosis vanish after you relax into this for some time.
If you struggle relaxing into it, this is valuable information as well. Notice this, allow it to have its time to protest… but do not judge. You’ve been through enough.
Then the slideshow starts.
Not the one of our traumas, no.
This is the body revealing your own secrets to your mind.
The ones we have forgotten, or hidden from ourselves, because how could we fit our square peg selves into the round holes of the matrix with such things?
Remember, free thinking and sovereignty of the spirit are highly discouraged in what we call “the matrix”. Unconscious participants are programmed with a disgust reaction when they see freedom in one another, including themselves. This is by design, and enough to sedate most people into self-censorship.
I speak from experience, never preaching. We are not so different, you and I…
It starts.
You realize how much you love a certain thing about life. You realize how much your body and spirit have missed this thing. No, this is not a person.
Your mind will show you a vision of your destiny.
It will show you what your next step is to be.
It may not make sense to the list of worries or things most pressing to the intellectual mind, but you’d be surprised at what can solve THOSE problems by an approach that is seemingly unrelated.
You will see what you need to see.
I don’t find it necessary to share what I saw for myself, as I don’t want to project that onto you and interfere with your experience.
The important thing here is to have the experience and move away from talking about it. This is merely a springboard.
After this experience and the reminder… (this took place in a kundalini yoga class today) we did a meditation where we slowly moved our hands over each part of our body, leaving nothing unacknowledged, and thanking it for its functioning, for sustaining our life, for blessing us with the gifts of continuing to breathe in this moment, for the ability to see, to hear, to walk, to speak, to sing, to digest, to think, to regulate…
THIS is where we may have a response that surprises us even more.
If you have been living in a state of self abandonment, self denial, self repression, shame, or self hatred.. even self sacrifice… you will know it now. And you will feel it all. But this is not a feeling of soul crushing pain.. no… this is a feeling of Love.
You will realize how much you deserve to love yourself, and you’ll begin to hear your own voice, not the egoic one, the true one.
The spirit is a free one, in spite of all the weight, traumas and pains you feel daily.
This voice and this experience reminds you how much you deserve to be loving yourself and caring for yourself.
It shows you where you have fallen short, and reminds you though tears of love and grief how much you are worthy of all the things that you WISH someone else would give to you (insert name or idea of romantic partner here).
To realize how much we abandon ourselves in a society that moves a thousand miles a minute, demands everything of us, shoves content down our throats like it’s addicted to gluttony and wants us to co-sign, plus the rampant unaddressed trauma within the entire human psyche on this planet, yo… it’s a lot to be here.
No wonder we abandon ourselves. It’s easy to get “lost in the sauce” when the sauce is above your head and the current moves faster than you can even tread, let alone swim. However…
We can liberate ourselves from this.
I know it’s hard. But we can. We can carve out the time and practice on focusing on NOTHING but the breath, nothing but the third eye, nothing but what we are doing in that exact moment. Fuck everything else.
When this happens…
When the tears come, when we realize what we have been doing, and how much more we deserve, and how much more we have silently been begging ourselves for…
We realize all the shit we concern ourselves with is so insignificant in comparison to this. Don’t be surprised if you start laughing at the nonsense of it all. It’s a silly game, and a spell one is well grateful to wake from.
There is no judgment here, this is a shedding of an energetic snakeskin.
This is reminding us what is important in life.
This is the burning away of all falsehoods.
Similar to what Death will do when Death comes… because the Reaper teaches the same lessons…
This is one of the first times I have seen something else teach a lesson just as effectively and valuable as Death:
That thing is Love. That thing is presence. That thing is silence, it is rhythm, it is coming home to our bodies, and letting the wisdom encoded in our DNA show us exactly what we’ve been looking for—everywhere else but within.
What a brilliant place to hide the truth. There couldn’t be a more “in plain sight” location. Just convince everyone they’re not good enough, and program everyone to be hyper-consumers and hyper-achievers so they can maybe one day be “good enough”. They’ll spend lifetimes running that race and playing a losing game, one day hoping to win a prize that is only a mirage in that matrix: FULFILLMENT.
Nobody said the Devil was stupid, that’s for sure.
May you be blessed, may you feel loved, may you feel empowered, may you feel and be renewed. May your heart be open. May your one-ness be at peace.
The bomb.
As usual, this hit right where I needed it to, and now I'm crying at the kitchen table, lol! Keep up the good work, you're blessing so many people!