The Path of The Coward
A closer look at widespread mind control, and a concluding choice we all must make -- or it will be made for us.
Really wasn’t interested in weighing in on this, and I still won’t. What I will do is shine a light on something that happens every. single. time.
A big event happens in the world.
Injustice, war, atrocities. Innocents die, justice never arrives.
Two things happen:
Scenario A: It doesn’t make headlines, it doesn’t get discussed in the mainstream media, and if anyone does bring it up, it’s like white noise to whoever hears it. If it runs contrary to a dominant media narrative, it is wiped out of the public space of discourse - the internet.
Then what? No one cares, and most people are never even aware of it. Maybe some deep divers find out about it a few decades later. Life goes on, except for the people whose lives ended. The atrocities continue.
Scenario B: It’s broadcasted across all media outlets 24/7. The same clips, pictures, talking points, all in lockstep unleashed. Bot accounts flood social media and regurgitate false “history facts”, then people see that. Doing zero research whatsoever, they form an opinion in two seconds and start doing the same. Everyone abandons the life that is theirs (as if they were taking full responsibility for it in the first place, because most do not. This just gives people an excuse to run into an abyss that isn’t their own.) People believe everyone must take a stance, and anyone who doesn’t is deemed to be on the side of the “enemy”. Said enemy is dependent on the viewpoint of the observer.
Then what? Chaos ensues, people turn against each other, the energy of hatred is amplified to a physically sickening degree. People who don’t know each other develop the audacity to tell victims in an active war zone (does not matter which part of the war zone they are in, war is war) that THEY are somehow deserving of the agony of their situation, and to boot, the American social media warrior who just learned a “fact” in two seconds is going to tell them a little something about themselves.
The show draws out for as long as deemed necessary by those who profit from it. Then it quickly shifts to another “show”, and… suddenly… no one cares, most people forget it happened…and the atrocities continue.
Do you see how the same two scenarios have the same end result?
Let me be very clear before I continue:
When I refer to “the show”, I am not denying that the event of war, violence, killings, etc. are happening. Absolutely not. That is not “the show”.
“The Show” is the selective and obsessive broadcasting of it, for purposes of control over the ignorant masses by the few that run said show.
There are wars, atrocities, suffering and agony present on this planet
This is not to minimize any of it. I am pointing out the pavlovian dog reaction to SELECTIVELY react to only certain ones. If you really care THAT much, what about the suffering, the killings, the rapes, the kidnappings, the suicides, the agony in your own country? In your own neighborhood? In your own life?
So all this madness as a byproduct of broadcasting — I’m setting war completely aside here — the madness as byproduct of modern day sorcery via technology is killing the human spirit.
It’s hard to watch people feed off of these situations and do things to make it worse for those affected by it, doing things to create more suffering on the planet, for what reason? To seem like you’re the smartest, the most informed, the most virtuous, the savior? To hashtag your way into martyrdom or salvation? Social applause?
Yeah, shit is fucked up, and this kind of shit happens ALL over the planet on several levels, and I cannot think of a time in my life where in some country of the world, this wasn’t happening.
The reason why people aren’t reactive to it is because it isn’t on the news and they aren’t being told to.
They aren’t having images of banking cartel sponsored murder of masses shoved down their throat.
But just because you cannot see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
And just because you can see it, does not mean you know your enemy.
If you knew your enemy, why the fuck would you fight another human being?
(Article continued below)
There is a very SMALL portion of humanity responsible for this shit, for the most part. It’s never that group that gets the blame. No, it’s not a religion or an ethnicity or a whatever the fuck. But we’re told not to look to who benefits, who orchestrates, who sends billions of dollars to a certain area right before a bunch of weapons are deployed on a population, because… why?
The real answer is that if we looked there and found the truth, if we could stomach it, it’d unite us, and that would be the beginning of the end for them. But that’s a big if, because it would require us to digest that we’ve been living lies and hypnotized by political (and in many ways religious) theatrics for our entire lives, and most of what we think is real, stable and predictable is actually an illusion.
The other answer? I don’t know. It seems like people get off on hating each other. It seems like people are addicted to hatred, to anger, rage, anxiety, self-righteousness, even suffering itself. It seems like people are in large numbers living such dissatisfying, disconnected, empty lives, that they’ll jump at anything that makes them FEEL- as long as it isn’t the emptiness within themselves.
Yes, there is a nefarious “they”. However, we are still responsible for our passive consent. Maybe part of us recognizes this and thinks shouting on the internet and wishing death on strangers is a way to atone for that, but it isn’t, you’re just playing further into the pit of hell.
The passive consent is us not taking responsibility for our own lives, our own families, our own communities, the wellbeing of our fellow humans, and allowing absolute fucking maniacs to make decisions on behalf of billions of people, and not uniting and uprising when they violate.
That is on us.
As long as we are waiting around for someone else to clean up the mess while we scream from the nosebleeds, we reap what we sew.
I don’t have an answer to how to end war. I won’t weigh in on what is going on in the middle east no more than I will weigh in on any other long-standing conflict, notice how everyone went from Ukraine-Russia obsessed to absolute crickets on that and now it’s nothing but this? Do you think that situation changed just because the teleprompter the news anchor reads did?
What I can do is point out that brutality is never a “good thing”, the fact that I have to even state that speaks to the times we live in. I have to state it because since I am addressing the psychological response to what is essentially chaos magick, and not the war itself, people are so reactive that they’ll dismiss the whole point (and the spell they are under) and go straight to “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE….”
What about it? The ONLY thing I can do is continue with the life mission to do everything in my power to ignite a revolution of spirit through truth and healing. It’s not a straight answer, it’s not a quick fix, it’s not voting for a politician, it’s not a, “hey everyone let’s all get on a plane and acquire billions of dollars of weapons and sneak past every nations air defense systems and bomb the fuck out of whoever the internet tells us the bad guy really is”… so, it’s not very sexy or sensational, is it?
And that is what this country, America, has become:
Addicted to being fed synthetic experiences by proxy, and if they aren’t fed… they will chase them, and destroy everything real in the process, because it threatens their predictable paradigm. As within, so without… as everything else in our environment is synthetic and poisonous as well.
My point is, it’s disgusting to see the REACTION to these events, and it makes harder to get to the root of the event itself. Do you see the smokescreen these unleashed mind-controlled emotions create? How can we solve the problem when we keep piling on top of it?
I do not know how we will find our way.
I have lost faith in most people, but I find new reasons to re-gain it on the regular, and there are still many I have great faith in. Scratch that, it isn’t faith, it is a knowing. I know Love and Truth still exist. And I know people who embody it, even on their worst days.. it’s just not always visible. Does the sun truly disappear just because it is momentarily eclipsed?
To the point of this article…
It is cowardly to only jump when you are told to jump. It is cowardly to hold false rage and false virtue.
Where are you when this shit pops off but no one tells you to care? Most importantly, where are you when the people in your own life need you? Where are you when you need yourself?
Yet you’re there when the media and governments, all owned by the banking cartels that profit off of the war, tell you to be? That’s who you show up for, then have the audacity to point the finger in the opposite direction when looking for your oppressor, your enemy?
As someone who is NOT in an active war zone, with readers who are also NOT in an active war zone, because if you were, you wouldn’t be on substack—this is the conversation I feel is more necessary to be having, because what am I going to say about what’s going on over there? Repost shit from the media? Contribute to the chaos that we have zero ability to do anything about from our present location and ability?
Like I said… if you have planes, camouflaging technology for said planes and personnel, EMPs, weapons, the ability to shut down all comms for anyone you wish to be undetected or unopposed by… I mean.. probably don’t talk about it on Substack, but you do you, that’s just not my situation. Even if it was… do I know enough about who to strike? Possibly. However, my choice wouldn’t be the location of where the televised war is, and i’ll leave it at that. Even if I had that ability and went and did that, the odds of me making shit 10X worse are higher than me making anything better, due to ignorance and a lifetime of information wars/propaganda that is just as embedded in my psyche as it is anybody else’s.
What is cowardly is to puff ones chest and shout at atrocities in the distance that the machine told you to care about— the same machine that created it. Yes, the media and the war racketeers are connected by the same purse strings.
What is cowardly is to puff ones chest out and shout at atrocities across the ocean, but ignore the ones who suffer and die in ones vicinity, people one could have actually helped, but didn’t.
Use your discernment to know if the shoe fits or not. The truth is, we are all guilty of this.
We have all at some point lost ourselves in oceans of hysteria, and as a result, allowed the people swimming next to us, and even ourselves, to decay and drown.
What matters now is what we do moving forward.
What we don’t fully understand is how connected everything and everyone is. What we don’t understand is if our basics aren’t covered, we can’t even begin to try and cover someone else’s. What we don’t fully grasp is that if we start thinking in forms of real solutions that do not sew division, and start acting local, meaning in our own lives first, that has a global effect. Not the other way around.
Does quantum physics not prove this? Does it not prove that we are all in an interconnected ocean of energy that gives no fucks about distance or time?
If you want to fight for people who cannot fight for themselves, if you want to help people who are suffering unjustly, if you want to help suffering in general, whether you deem it just or not, then start where you actually can have an effect on it.
Start in the mirror.
Then look around.
Who and what do you see with your eyes, when you put your phone down?
You can’t do anything by shouting into a void or raging into the radiation of that rectangle of death we call a smart phone.
I hope I do not make another post like this, and yeah I’m aware this comes off harsh and many people get upset by it.
The greatest lies we are ever deceived by are delusions - the lies we tell ourselves. How do you know if you are living a lie if you think it’s real?
The only way I’ve seen true delusion smashed is by the brutality of truth, not the political correctness, “love and light” niceties people demand they are exclusively met with.
If we are truly in the aeon of Horus, the aeon of The Child, well.. it shows.
And it’s time to grow up. All of us.
Stop fighting on the internet and let your head clear. Then maybe we can address the widespread crisis of disconnect in our lives and throughout this planet. If we can fix that, we’d be living in a world where war would never happen, because there would be no “other”.
The ingredients for degradation, abuse, neglect, violence, and genocide would not exist, because in order for those to exist, you must have separation, which leads to dehumanization and disgust. This completely opens all channels for manipulation, which absolutely are capitalized upon, and from that point…you are capable of anything on the list of horrors — we all are.
We are also all capable of great love, great compassion, great healing and truth.
Just because it’s the hardest choice we’ll ever make, doesn’t mean it isn’t still a choice, because it is.
Not sides in a war between governments who hold their civilians hostage and use them as collateral in their war games.
Choose whether or not you want to descend into madness, or do the work necessary to step into Love, and pursue a higher destiny for this planet, our lives, and future generations to come.
If we do not consciously choose, there likely won’t be future generations to come.
No pressure.
Holy truth bombs. Shrapnel received. GRATITUDE 🙏🏼
"The reason why people aren’t reactive to it is because it isn’t on the news and they aren’t being told to.
They aren’t having images of banking cartel sponsored murder of masses shoved down their throat.
But just because you cannot see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.
And just because you can see it, does not mean you know your enemy."
Keep up the analysis; you're spot on!