The HIDDEN TRUTH, and a Spiritual Revolution (New podcast episode + more inside)
We've had this all backwards, but hope is NOT LOST! This is good news, lets get into it!
I’ve long been contemplating the question of how to help the world.
I then realized I needed to help myself.
THEN SOMETHING CLICKED. An old question I used to wonder…. why the mass compliance? Why the mass formation? Why did everyone… FOLD?
Yo… they didn’t. They had already FELL. We all had… long long ago.
Hear me out… in this podcast. This episode is audio only, I recorded it on my drive home last night after meeting with some unbelievably incredible people… we gathered first to discuss how to build community during crazy times on this planet, and then the bottom gloriously fell out on the conversation and we got to the truth…
We went from central banking cartels, the CBDC, the system in its entirety… to…
It’s all connected, here’s the audio file. You can also stream it on any platform, just NOT youtube, because they’ll censor the episode and I’ll risk getting my whole account removed before I even get out the first sentence.
You can either click this link right here to watch it on your platform of choice,
or you can press play here. BUT hold up, there’s also more I want to share with you. Gifts and things.
Alright you silly bastards,
here’s more things.
I made this Spotify playlist for whoever would find it healing. It is called Shadow Work Vibes and it is three hours of music to help you feel if you are numb, or to help you process your emotions if they feel unmanageable. This is three hours of music I picked for the cause across all genres. Some are vibes, some are chosen for their lyrics, you dig tho.
ALRIGHT and one more thing, you little fuckers whom I adore.
There’s a new song (yes another one) coming out 7/21. It’s about finding your self worth and sense of purpose after hitting rock bottom, its a fuckin summer JAM my friends and you can pre-save it here for free. PRE-SAVING helps the song not drown in the ocean of algorithmic robots you dig? So if you could do that shit, it HELPS SO MUCH!!!! Keep an eye out for youtube, another guerilla style music video will be shot for this at some point lol. ONE LAST DETAIL after I link this shit right here:
you can click here or click the image idk why it wont let me just post the thing
alright silly goose. If you are in the middle Tennessee area, I was asked by the glorious venue known as Joelton Hardware to host one of their first open mic nights! They typically have live music booked every evening, so the fact that they decided to do an open mic and open it up to ALL GENRES here in a town where country and americana seem to be law, is fucking incredible. JULY 10th (Monday) from 6 to 9 PM, I will be hosting the open mic, i’ll be performing a handful of songs, and SO MANY OTHER INCREDIBLE ARTISTS are going to be doing their thing as well. If you are in the area, please come down and sign up! Bring your raps, your songs, your instruments, your comedy, your skits, your spoken word, all are welcome!!! here is the flyer for that… and for anyone who would care to make a one-time donation to the cause of music, podcasting, getting off the fucking grid which i am soooo close to, or this here substack, you can send your shillings to cash app at $Tesstamona - or venmo @Tesstamona , or paypal @Tesstamona - orrrrr you can simply be a paid subscriber to this here publication by clicking here:
here’s the info on the open mic if you are in the area and wanna get on stage and enjoy an evening of connection and debauchery!
alright fuckers, much love to you allllllll. Leave a comment and let me know how you’re doing, how you’re feeling, and what your thoughts are regarding that there broadcast i just uploaded! xoxox
I am in awe my friend. So much truth, so much passion for life and love. 🙏🙏🙏