From December 23rd, 2024 to present moment, January 19th, 2025, I’ve tried something different that I’ll share. Perhaps it will be of use to you.
First, I’ll set the general demoralization tone / collective reality (at least online) with a paragraph from another one of our Substackians, Lily from
:Our society is currently grappling with an overwhelming phenomenon known as the “Great Crowd Derangement.” It is a pervasive state in which individuals, regardless of their public or private settings, exhibit increasingly feverish, irrational, and herd-like behavior that is disheartening to witness.
This derangement permeates both online and offline realms, further amplifying its impact on our daily lives. Yet, despite the ubiquitous presence of its symptoms, the true causes of this distressing phenomenon remain obscured, evading our collective understanding.
She’s not wrong, and certainly not the only one who has noticed. We feel it in ourselves too.
I believe there are several reasons for this. In her article, she discusses the CIA’s quest for infiltrating the arts as a form of population control, subversion, propaganda, etc.
That’s a documented fact, but I won’t go into all the reasons why I think society is embarrassingly broken (see the collective reaction to a 12 hour TikTok ban as a heartbreaking tell for the fragmented hornets nest our psyches have become).
What I’m here to discuss is an antidote.
No, not the collective awakening pill, that doesn’t exist and is not for any one individual to provide.
If I am to say I respect Sovereignty, then I must understand it goes both ways:
If people do not want to “see the truth” as we see it, then leave them alone! It’s not our job to facilitate a global awakening - it’s our job to pursue our OWN. If everyone did that, you’d get a global awakening, once critical mass is reached.
Being a Fruit Tree
Apple trees don’t eat apples and pear trees don’t eat pears. Your fruit is not for you. Your fruit is for everybody else. Your job, the apple tree’s job, is to stay watered, and extract the nutrients from the soil, so it can produce good fruits and feed the weary passerby. Your gift isn’t for you, it’s for the Kingdom.
-TJ Morris AKA Bear Independent
The analogy of the fruit is the natural gifts in which we were blessed with.
Our job is not to hide ourselves or play small, we have gifts for a reason. We also mustn’t behave like hobgoblins trying to steal other people’s fruit, or imitate them (abuse the self by trying to be someone else) - this is delusional.
Can you imagine stumbling upon a beautiful pear tree who was trying to hide its pears, quivering with shame and doubt while simultaneously yelling at each passerby that it was not a pear tree, but actually a cactus?
You’d have SERIOUS concerns for the fabric of Reality and know the end was nigh.
Well, that’s a decent analogy for how we humans behave - and its 10X’d with the implementation of a virtual reality - largely by way of social media, TV, smart phones and mass media.
Propaganda destroys the soul - as do lies in general. It is the undoing of life.
Luckily, virtual reality has an off switch.
I had to get back to REAL LIFE.
It was 12/23/2024.
The whole year leading up to this (and in all honestly, years before) I was all gasa no breaks, never taking any time off, overworked and burnt out beyond anything I had experienced until then.
Multiple “chronic health conditions” that I’ve dealt with in the past were in full-steam flare-up and had been for months. I was in so much physical pain every day that some days I was non-functional. I couldn’t think clearly. It was static.
So, I unplugged all the things, and did the following:
We had two weeks off work. I wasn’t going to do ANY work in this time. I honored that.
I found a way to measure the EMF / EMI in my living space and used several tools to greatly reduce it. Huge difference in health immediately.
I did not spend time in front of computers or in static/seated physical positions - meaning I physically moved around. The agonizing physical pain I was in for months was gone in 48 hours.
I went out of town to visit my Uncle. I did not use the internet or any social media apps. When I wanted to write lyrics, I used a pen and paper, I did not use a laptop.
I slept better than I had in years and took note of why (no WiFi, environment without lots of noise and bright lights outside all night).
My Uncle taught me how to fly fish!! I had the best time, I never knew fly fishing would be something I’d become almost instantly obsessed with.
I got to hang out and ask questions about my family history. I highly suggest people do that if they have the opportunity to.
I took a trip 40 miles north to a part of Florida I really like and have wanted to move to for a while, but “just haven’t done it.” Fuck all that “JUST” and “YET” bullshit!
I stayed there for 5 days. I attended events I wanted to attend even when I didn’t know anyone. I made new friends. I found new community. I had hope for life again.
I performed my music live in Tampa for the first time since moving to Florida. I hadn’t been on stage since living in Nashville.
When I had “breakthrough moments” of realizing the way forward (by going into the world and trying shit out, not by being in my head pontificating) I voice recorded them on my phone so if the “same old same old” mentality returned, I’d remember the mission and light at the end of the tunnel.
I formulated a plan for how to move forward with life, my mission, and music. I started taking steps toward making that a reality, and still am.
I then went to visit more family - relatives I hadn’t seen in years, some in over a decade.
I got to see my Mom again after 3 years of not seeing her since I left the west coast. That was something I’m incredibly grateful for.
I went to the everglades with my cousins and mom for the first time! We also went on an airboat in the swamp which I LOVED and had always wanted to do!
I read books. I organized my life. I rearranged furniture or little things in my small living space to allow for new energy to flow and old to circulate out.
I explored the beautiful State I live in. I took lots of pictures and videos. I enjoyed life.
This is all still in motion. I haven’t “completed” or fully organized or perfected anything. But I’m lightyears ahead of where I was less than a month ago, and as long as I stay away from the chaos of the machine, I don’t feel like this:
Our society is currently grappling with an overwhelming phenomenon known as the “Great Crowd Derangement.” It is a pervasive state in which individuals, regardless of their public or private settings, exhibit increasingly feverish, irrational, and herd-like behavior that is disheartening to witness.
I know the crowd is deranged as hell. My job is to make sure I’m not part of that crowd. That’s it. The crazy leads nowhere. Zero.
If I am to bare fruit and be of service to the weary passerby, my job is to stay watered and extract nutrients from the soil. The rest is done automatically.
“Staying watered and extracting nutrients” is having awareness for proper care of ones self and discerning between nutrient and poison.
I have determined poison to be:
freaking out about literally anything related to politics
all forms of social media
getting annoyed at all the people freaking out about politics
focusing on all the things I don’t like or don’t want or think is “wrong” with the world
lack of movement
lack of time OUTSIDE
exposure to EMF Radiation in all its forms
exposure to blue lights, pulsing lights, optogenetic weaponry, screens
Toxic fear-based sensationalist content of any kind
explaining myself unnecessarily
explaining myself to people I’ve already done that with
saying “yes” too much
explaining why I say no
reacting to behaviors in my environment that only affect me if I have a judgment-based reaction toward.
It Cannot Exist If You Do Not Engage With It
Yes, I talked about this in my article What If I Told You (that WE are the agents in the matrix we seek to escape) but I said it the other day in different context.
I realized when examining what I learned from a certain (painful) experience, that the experience was there (and all the situations similar) to teach me BOUNDARIES.
Sometimes life will send situations and people that cross boundaries in ways that are flat out demonic to send the message that you need to protect yourself and your fruit, because you have value and are worth protecting. You cannot allow people to just barge in and fuck shit up.
If someone were to do some dumb shit to a pear tree like IDK… set it on fire? Well there goes that poor tree and all the fruit that could have been used to nourish the worthy.
Worthy in this case meaning a human being who isn’t going to assault you with a flamethrower.
I realized that none of that could have happened if I didn’t engage with it. Absolutely none. Even if I was fighting with it, the keyword is WITH. At any time if I would have seen more clearly than I was capable of at the time, I could have disengaged and left. I could have kicked it out of my life.
Once I had the ability to do so, I did.
This is applicable to everything in life.
If something is not working, figure out why. Sometimes the situation is genuinely not right for us, and sometimes the issue is not the situation, but something within us. Often, it is both. But if we do not find out what within us is asking to be seen, heard, felt, or changed, then we can change the game all we want; we’ll wind up in the same one again, just different players.
The only way to understand what you are being asked to hear and called to do in your life is to have the ability to truly listen, and to think clearly.
Social media, internet, all this bullshit, it destroys that ability.
We’re supposed to use this as a tool, not a place to hide out and use as a vehicle to do literally everything with. One is in theory an enhancement FOR life, the other one is literally sacrificing your life.
Living through the internet and not interacting with other humans in real life is destructive beyond your comprehension.
The longer you spend on the internet, the less you’ll want to interact with people, because you assume THIS is reality - which is not true.
This is a house of mirrors, skewed, warped, and warped even further with the filters of perception. It is not reality at all.
If you want to honor the fruit on your tree and simplify life and be more effective, I’ve found the antidote to be stepping back from chaos/virtual realities and taking several steps in the real world direction you need to go.
Go outside.
Whatever your “water” and “nutrients from the soil” are — stick to that being your job and the Dharma will appear.
Listen deeply, and listen especially to how your body responds to your environment, speech, thoughts, relationships, everything.
Your journey is amazing!! I am cheering you on!! Keep soaring high!! Thank you so much for sharing your peace!! ☺️🙌🏽✨️✨️✨️🫂♾️
This is so helpful. Much of what’s on the list of changes is on mine too. I appreciate your sharing because we’re all so connected and I didn’t have the EMF/EMI cleanse on mine