The Duty of Happiness
“It can be easy to feel when there are so many catastrophes, tragedies and pains all over the world, that it is selfish to feel joy or to be happy… but actually, the opposite is true.
We have a great duty and a great responsibility to be happy. To experience joy. To experience lightness.
When that happens, our field of vision can expand. We can see more, and we can hold more. And with that expanded vision, we can more easily attune to what our very unique and important role is, in this moment on the planet.”
- Charlotte | Yogini | Life Force Academy
A heart wrenching cycle that has been your Achilles for your entire life has been severed. It came back to test you yet again after giving you a taste of your destiny. You passed the test and though you may have mixed emotions about it, the Sun has risen, and you are ready to launch into the new life you had fought with your old life to arrive at. No holding back.
You are here.
Life is a choose your own adventure game to more of a degree than I think we realize.
If this is you. You are not alone. We do have a duty to be human bat signals, in my opinion. To RISE and EXPAND… just like that signal. To be a lighthouse for those lost in the dark. We do have a duty to share our gifts with the word, because if we do not, we are committing a form of robbery that is much more severe than breaking into a house and stealing someones TV.
Funny though, only one of them is frowned upon and punished by law.
Robbery of spirit and all that could be, robbery of love, of what you came here to give, robbery of destiny — this should be avoided at all cost, and especially understood.
This is why RESTRICTION is considered the only SIN in many ancient traditions. It does not mean restriction of things like food or cigarettes or alcohol, it means restriction of YOURSELF. Your life. Your energy. Your destiny. Your Soul.
Do not fear the reaper and most of all, do not fear your fullest expression of self. Do not fear a fully lived life. Fear the unlived and unfulfilled one, and go forth.
If you really wanna cruise, tap into that higher energy plane we often refer to as “God” and experience it for yourself. Fear does not exist there.
Whoever you are, I love you, and a lot of us are shedding our skin right now. We do this so we can do what we incarnated to do. If you do not remember what those things are, or what that thing is, ask the universe, ask yourself, ask that great power which we confine to a word commonly as God, and sit back, watch and OBSERVE.
It will come. It always does.
Thank you for the excellent read - I feel sometimes inebriated by the habit of life itself. It's great to join with others in the dialectic joy of sapient reasoning and the word of the Divine.
Love you my friend