Believe it or not, freedom terrifies some people, which is why they have sacrificed their freedoms for a false sense of security. It is the fuel that keeps the engine of the nanny/surveillance state in operation.
However, this is bigger than politics. We see people signing over the responsibility for their lives with technology, warped aspects of spirituality and religion, relationships, drugs, alcohol, money, any kind of vice, anything they can hide out in, and yes, of course, the government.
We do this because we have fallen for a spell that we are much, much weaker than we actually are. We do this because we are under a spell that is enacted to keep the peasantry in line.
We do it for many reasons; some people are just lazy and would rather have someone else “do the things” for them. However, I’d argue that this is not a good thing for anyone, because it stunts your growth and your spirits purpose to the point of snuffing it out almost entirely.
I get it, I was a heroin addict / overall drug addict and alcoholic starting at the age of 12. I didn’t get clean until I was 20. And just because I got off the drugs, does NOT mean my experiences with vice and addictions in this world ended. It does NOT mean fear or self sabotage or irresponsibility vanished.
Getting off drugs and alcohol was just the step to being able to BEGIN tackling that - it’s a process. Still ongoing, 13 years later.
Don’t ever let anyone fool you that they are a finished product - we are all far from it.
Point being, we all have an element of this within us. Sliding scale without a doubt, someone might be ten sheets to the fucking wind and someone else may only have a few blind spots, but we’re all somewhere on the scale.
I don’t want to get TOO deep into the “macro” scale of things just yet. I think it’s important to get a handle of our individual experiences before we start trying to patch together the shit show that is the collective planet right now, but here’s the deal:
Believe what you want. I’ve tracked this stuff for a long time, and I listen to people who have been doing it for decades. I have seen it be exact, down to the day, having an affect on everything from our personal lives, to the behavior of the collective, geopolitics, war, and even the weather/natural disasters.
What I am speaking of are significant astrological transits. No, not horoscopes. No, not pop astrology you see on instagram and tiktok. No, not mercury retrograde.
I’m talking about significant events that only occur once every few hundred years.
Yes, these are transits the “overlords” are also well aware of. They typically coordinate aspects of their agenda with it, because they harness the energy from it. They just happen to abuse the shit out of that intel. That is not how it is intended to be used, but hey, humans with free will are gonna free will.
We’re about to roll up on one of these events in March 2023, and it does have to do with death.
Pluto, who spends nearly two decades per sign in the zodiac, will be entering Aquarius, the sign associated with the collective/humanity.
I’m going to be brief, because this isn’t an astrology newsletter, although I could go off on this for a minute, as tracking planetary transits and the study of measuring space and time are extremely interesting to me.
Pluto into Aquarius? It might look like a fracture in the consciousness of society, and it might look like trauma on a massive scale (Pluto deals in crisis, trauma, death, power struggles/power. Pluto transforms, it is associated with rebirth.) Pluto also deals in secrecy… and sometimes things become exposed under this energy. Combine that with the weird shit the collective has been believing for so long… that’s what I meant by the death of Stockholm Syndrome and how that could be traumatic for people - because an illusion will be shattered to a degree that even people who consider themselves “red pilled” could get fucked up from.
So are we prepared to walk each other and ourselves through an experience of having the power dynamics shift? I can’t tell you for sure they’ll shift in our favor, everyone says they want that, but it wasn’t until today when someone whose teachings I value greatly brought this up. Some are prepared for freedom, many are terrified of it, but the general consensus was there would be a splitting off in society, an element of mass trauma, and a return of freedom and liberty to those who were able to hold that energy. This is the element of preparedness where one’s spiritual and mental condition come to the forefront, and no, I am not talking about religion, I’m just saying the connection someone has with their spirit, themselves, and the condition of their mindset.
For some, it would be too much. I can understand that, if you’ve lived in a city your entire life, dependent upon state sponsored services your entire life, and have zero know-how in regards to how to direct your day without someone telling you what to do and where to go, let alone how to provide things like food, clothing, shelter, how to navigate the planet without GPS, list goes on.
We have many freedom minded people, we have freedom ACTIONED people, and we have people who are much more comfortable being told what to do, when to show up, how to live, how to think, and have all their services provided for them by daddy gov.
The shadow side to Pluto in Aquarius? Well, summed up in one word, Communism.
Anyone who thinks Communism is a good idea, look into the history of every Communist government. How does China look to you right now? How about Cuba? Do you remember the Pol Pot regime and genocide in Cambodia? How about all those countries in central and South America people are walking on FOOT to get away from? Did it work out well? Nah.
(Fun fact: Pol Pot and his regime forced his detainees to “eat ze bugs” too- history has an interesting way of rhyming and repeating.)
So… why would that traumatize people if it were to come to an END? Pluto deals with endings because it deals in death. Again it also deals in rebirth. Death and rebirth are the same thing, we just view them differently.
It could spell out us watching a tremendous fucking failure, or a tremendous fucking corruption that you NO LONGER CAN DENY from the fog of your distractions and vices. A lot of us are already watching it, but in most peoples realities, it seems to be non-existent, so we’re not even close to being there yet.
OR, it could mean a collapse of what we know to be “society”, and we could be looking at needing to be OUR OWN savior, our own messiah, the delusions of organized religions and dogmas shattered right along with the rest of the system, given that they work hand in hand.
I think it’s self explanatory why that would freak everyone out. Those are the very structures that people cling to when they cannot make sense out of the harsh realities of life, or the corrupt and unnatural nature of the system they feel forced to participate in.
It’s also where people go when they become afraid of OTHERS, and when they feel lonely. Both of those things are very real for the collective right now- the fear of the “other”, and loneliness.
What would remain? we’d be back in the natural order of things, meaning we have to be the person that is dependable, that we ourselves can depend on, but it also faces us with a reality that American culture loves to deny: we have to also be able to rely upon our community, be that families, neighborhoods, towns, whatever.
You do need other people to survive. The way we have bypassed this need is by government and technology. We’d be BLESSED if that failed, because if it progresses any further, that could be the end of us.
So if the beast system as we know it dies, yes we will be left bewildered, some of us will be relatively prepared but the majority will be in shock. What will the antidote be? The antidote would be for us to return to our truth and the true nature - that we are all one species/race, the human race, and we need each other to survive, and just because the overlords have sold us endless history texts that show nothing but “savage warring societies” throughout time, does not mean that shit is true, and it doesn’t mean we’re doomed to nothing but violent conflict if left to our own devices.
Let me ask you this, how much conflict do you think we’d have if social media went away, if mainstream media went away, if the news simply reported facts and ZERO opinions, and if politicians didn’t have maniacal agendas and didn’t weren’t foot soldiers for psychopathic banking cartels?
Also, get rid of whoever tf is in charge of pop culture, and people need to start tuning their music back to 432 or 528 hz. Those are healing frequencies, taken from us by the record industry for a reason. So do you think we’d still have constant fighting? I hiiiiighly doubt it.
How much conflict is a result of misunderstanding, miscommunication and us being emotionally reactive to a stimulus that was placed in front of our faces with the intent to divide? I’d say nearly all of it. I don’t see much conflict within society stemming from a genuine need to survive, unless it’s to maintain ones avatar ranking in the artificial metaverse.
What I’m trying to say, is even though this topic can feel heavy or dark for some people, once again, love and unity will always, ALWAYS be what saves us. The best work we can do right now for preparedness is to make sure our own house is in order, meaning the relationship we have with ourselves. That will dictate the relationship we have with everything outside of us.
I believe in the new energy of this near year and the numeric frequency it carries with it. It is a time where many can get lost in vice and rabbit holes that go nowhere, but it is also a frequency of victory, love, harmony, relationships, creativity, art, triumph and beauty. I choose to stand in that, even if I have to talk about “ugly” things sometimes. It is the ugliness that will push the otherwise unwilling toward the necessity of opening ones heart, after many seasons of it being shut down and cold.
We’ve all been there.
So I figured I’d share those thoughts with you, before I continue on with regular posts of personal experiences of death.
Death is not only someone dying physically. Death is change, it is ones entire reality changing, crashing down, draining out, it is loss, it is sudden, it comes in many forms and titles.
What can we do? Aside from tending to your own heart, it might not hurt to truly examine how we can be more independent, more free, more self sufficient - with true freedom comes great responsibility. What areas of our life are we neglecting, leaving on autopilot, or handing over to an external power to take care of? Are we restricting ourselves and authentic expression in any way?
There is NO shame in this! Everyone has areas of their life where they have faulty dependence.
I do too. Just a thought. Or a writing prompt, if you like to write. I’d love to hear whatever you come up with in the comments.
For me?
I just finally got over the lifelong delusion that I need to have a man around or be in a relationship in order to be physically safe. This does not mean I’m one of those women screaming “men are trash”, I think that is tragic and a massive psyop that both men and women are falling for (blaming the opposite gender for their problems and fighting each other) but again, different discussion, I’ll address that on my podcasts.
However, dependence on another (man) was a huge issue for me, because when you enter relationships with that level of primal fear (and delusion) at the roots, it is SO easy to get stuck in toxic dynamics, because you think, “well whatever they’re doing to me, it’s still better than what might happen to me if I’m on my own as a single female”.
This, of course, is not true- but it can take a very long time before you learn that.
People who haven’t lived what I’ve lived through will not relate to that, but if you are familiar with violence, sexual violence, and the ways that young women, children, and women in general get preyed upon in society, how relentless it is and how it comes from every angle, you’ll understand.
That was a big one. I am glad I do not have that anymore. Relationship and co-operation between men and women are necessary for a functioning society, but like all things, it can get taken too far when it becomes an issue of dependency, coupled with the discard of ones own capabilities and competency.
The same can be said for social structures like politics and religion. I see where they have their uses, and I see where people get wrecked en masse.
There are several others, some require resources (like more money) to accomplish, so they will happen in time, but if all goes to shit and it’s time to full tilt boogie TF outta dodge, I won’t be afraid of that shit. Part of that is because I’ve been in SHTF scenarios before. The other part? When you experience enough death in your life, you begin to lose the fear of it, almost entirely. It doesn’t make you suicidal, it just means… hey, it’s not the end of the world, it’s just entering another realm and starting a new life.
There isn’t much difference between an end, and a beginning.
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