I posed the question on social media,
“What is the best advice you’ve been given?”
Before we get into the advice you wonderful souls shared, some that I shared, and the meditations for transformations… let me add this to the energy of the now:
Happy (almost) Pisces new moon. If you feel the inner urge to withdraw into your space and unleash the infinite within, do it!
Warnings: Don’t allow the energy to take you into a downward spiral where you just check out or submerge in depression.
Opportunity: You can meditate out of almost anything in this energy. Things that feel heavy and burdened, Piscean energy is the opposite… so where do you want to direct it?
This new moon comes in at 2:06 AM EST on Monday… so adjust accordingly for wherever you live.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, shut shit down and pause with yourself - the overwhelm and brain fog is a BIG thing many people are dealing with right now, and take this from me:
When you’re running in burn out mode for too long, you not only have ZERO tolerance for other people (which doesn’t go well) but the stress that goes along with living that way manifests as health issues. I’m now having to rehabilitate (AGAIN) issues relating to chronic pain/injuries I thought I healed years ago. It’s baaaaack. So I am simplifying my life, recommitting to the basics… and putting my health first.
Alright, into the more orthodox flavor of this substack:
I was originally writing a piece on the paradox of “Memento Mori” when it comes to the concept of TIME…
This came to me last night when I was looking at pictures of recently deceased friends, and tripping out at the fact that I am the only one in the picture still here.
It seems like another life.. one I forgot I lived… and most importantly, one I forgot I had the PLEASURE of living.
I am no longer sad at love lost, or chapters closed. I am grateful I got to experience it in the first place.
That energy lives in me now, if I choose to keep those flames ignited.
Today I do, in spite of the worlds fuckery.
BUT! Tonight I decided something else for you guys, and this will be available to ALL subscribers, whether paid or free. The next post, however, where I get into some deep stuff and deep lessons, that will be for paid subscribers only. So just a heads up on that.
I wanted to share something that would inspire and bring you love and possibly great meditation prompts, since we are on the precipice of the new moon in Pisces, a deeply spiritual and transcendent energy, ruling over the house of self-undoing, among other things…
I decided to ask the great people of social media a general question:
What is the best advice you’ve been given?
I love it when people RESPOND to shit. I don’t like talking into a void and just getting views and likes, fuck that. I like interacting and hearing about YOU. So I’m going to list what was said… if y’all wanna add yours in the comments here, please do!
One of the best things in life is how we can all inspire each other through connection and sharing.
I know people act like lunatics on the reg, but at our core, we are tremendously sacred beautiful beings, and we are impossible to NOT love! When you see anyone in their truth, you fall in love with them. I do not mean this in a romantic way, I mean the higher Love, the one-ness Truth.
Some of your answers:
Get out of your own way
Whats meant to be will be, and what is not, let go!!!
Never wait by the phone for a guy to call
No one knows what they’re doing, so feel the fear and do it anyway.
Don’t lower your standards so others can raise theirs
Other peoples opinions of you are none of your business
Remember, no one can read your mind!
Do it for yourself and no one else.
Love yourself first and foremost
If you have haters you are doing something right
If you are willing to listen to wiser people than you, you will save yourself a lot of bullshit
Be yourself, not everyones gonna like you anyways
Just STFU and say okay!
Kill them with kindness.
Smile and share one
Don’t trust men (a dude wrote that I swear that wasn’t me lol)
Be the parent you needed when you were a kid.
Go to church
Have hope, not expectations, because hope doesn’t hurt as much!
EVERYONE does what they think is the best for them with the information they have
Take the chances, make the moves, and love hard, because life goes by so fast.
When we give our problems away (to a higher power/universe), it gives room for miracles and new opportunities to manifest.
Never lend out what you can’t afford to lose. (This one was echoed from four different people in their own wording)
And Derek left this as a comment on my last post here, I think I asked a similar question in my last entry- I am glad I saw this before I posted this entry, this is what he said:
“Before you can help another you have to help yourself. Before you can love another you have to love yourself. There is always, ultimately, a balance needed between inner work and outer. But like tides, sometimes we are in, sometimes we are out.”
Thank you.
I guess it’s only fair that I add mine as well:
“Your ability to be successful depends on your ability to be APPROPRIATELY SELFISH”.
This was spoken to me by an astrologer who did a THREE HOUR reading for me back in 2021… he also predicted the onslaught of deaths that lied ahead in the following year. Not verbatim like I just stated, he said it in a much softer way (you can’t just outright say that shit to a client), so I get why he worded it the way he did… but as soon as it started happening, I knew immediately. I’ll leave it at that.
Context for the piece of advice: what he meant was that I needed BOUNDARIES, and I needed to learn to tell people NO.
I have a history of … well not setting appropriate boundaries, doing too much for people with an imbalanced (or no) energetic exchange, entertaining toxic, going-nowhere type dynamics, and the hardest one; spreading myself too thin due to an abundance of interests.
Not anymore though, and I’m fucking proud of that.
I’m at the point where if someone brings chaos into my life, I’ll cut them out without even explaining myself. I mean I call out the fuckery sure, but if they don’t respect the initial boundary, I do not entertain back-and-forths or any attempt to get someone incapable of understanding to try and understand me. It feels good to not waste my energy in vain.
Boundaries and programs like al-anon have taught me that I do not need to explain myself in most cases, and that no is a complete sentence. If our boundaries are not strong, especially with the way the world is now, (and is showing zero signs of slowing down in the foreseeable future), you will be eaten alive by energy vampires and parasites. No shortage of those types out there. Shake the fleas and keep moving.
The other side to that is not energy vampires or parasites, but we live in a world with an abundance of opportunities, people, and things to do. What I am learning now is to really be in tune with myself so I understand what I am capable of showing up for FULLY, and what needs to be postponed or not done at all. There are some really amazing opportunities and people that I’ve had the chance to collaborate with, but I’ve had to say no to several things because my health has been suffering as a consequence of me overextending myself and “doing too much”. The best way to avoid this is to not over-commit in the first place, so I’m pulling back, re-grouping, re-prioritizing, and sticking with that for the next few months. Definitely until the album is finished, otherwise I will be carried in ten billion directions and nothing will get done.
As a great Yogi has said many times… “if you try and talk to everyone, you will talk to no one.” Additional translation: If you try and do everything, you will do nothing.
Story of much of my life, anyone that feels they have ADHD-like tendencies on a massive scale can likely relate.
Solution? Put your phone on do not disturb and stay away from that contraption as much as possible. I cannot believe how much better my mental state is when I am AWAY from my phone. As soon as I get on that thing for more than like ten minutes, whoa. I notice a huge change in my consciousness, and it is never for the better.
Alright, I hope you got something out of these. I have another article coming shortly for paid subscribers, and we’re going deep on the paradox teachings in death:
life is short and a flash in the pan… and at the same time… homie, you’re gonna be here A LOT longer than you think…. let’s talk about the importance of the bigger picture and playing the long game..
A wise man (Johnny Cash) once said…
“Everyone I know, goes away, in the end..”
But what do you do when everyone you knew, goes away…. before you are even halfway through!?
I have an answer for that. We’ll talk soon.
Happy Pisces New Moon. If you want to set intentions or need a ritual suggestion (outside of basic prayer and meditation, now is a great time to go even deeper with your daily practice, especially at the time of the dark moon, 2:06 AM EST) this is mad simple, but you can always write intentions on bay leaves and then burn them and bless the smoke as it carriers your prayers into the ethers. Just sayin.
Okay talk to you soon.
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