Solar Eclipse Incoming: How To Touch The Diamond Mind
Part 1 of who knows how many before this eclipse season is up... if you want to take the ride, I've got your ticket inside. Rising sign breakdown of where the eclipse is happening included inside.
There are two kinds of suffering:
The kind you run away from that follows you everywhere…
And the kind that you face.
And that is the gateway to freedom
If you’re interested, come in…
Eclipses bring unsettled energy and open up the realm of the subconscious mind. They often represent immediate endings as well as beginnings.
October brings us two eclipses. The first on Saturday, October 14th will be a solar eclipse. I’ll discuss lunar eclipse energy when that time comes (about two weeks after this one.)
This will be dealing moreso with beginnings in theory… but it’s occurring in the same part of the sky as the south node, or Ketu. This brings up karmic cycles and themes from the past that are meant to be closed out and cleared. If we are consciously grounding and doing our spiritual practices, we still aren’t immune to karmic lessons, but we can maneuver ourselves through it and emerge from the alchemical fire 1000x more upgraded (I’m not saying you’ll feel this immediately, these changes are so intense they can feel traumatizing, but not for everyone. It depends on your personal chart as well.)
I had a reading very recently with a master astrologer who uses Sidereal/Vedic astrology combined with the ancient texts of life cycles from ancient Egypt and Babylon. I’m blown away I even had the opportunity to have this reading, and it couldn’t have been more timely.
Much was said during this read that I will not disclose publicly. But one thing he did say….
The planets and these transits are not emotional. They are coming through to essentially assure things are evolving along in their respective areas.
We experience trauma, hardship and absolute shithouse events when the life we’re building isn’t solid, we (or our connections) may be lacking in integrity, honesty, morality, direction, all sorts of things.
Our foundations are tested and if they are not TRUE, if they are not solid, they will break.
We perceive this as tragedy and loss… but is it really?
What would be the greater tragedy… to live out your entire life in a state of delusion, lulled to sleep by lies? Or would you rather be liberated from the prison you mistook for a comfort zone (or something you could rely on) and find what ACTUALLY IS REAL AND TRUE. These are course-correcting measures. Yeah they can be painful… consider yourself fortunate if it hurts, depending on which camp you find yourself in:
I hope you’re not afraid to suffer…
There are two kinds of suffering:
The kind you run away from that follows you everywhere…
And the kind that you face.
And that is the gateway to freedom
If you’re interested, come in…
Then there are other times. Sometimes there is no reason why we experience hardships like illness or death or loss, it just happens. Some say it’s part of a karmic cycle and a fated event, and if something is fated, it doesn’t matter because there isn’t shit any of us can do about it. But the rest of it, well, it’s like checking the weather before you walk out of the house.
Do you need to be wearing a sundress or are you going to need an umbrella and rain boots? (Im a native Oregonian so I have NEVER used an umbrella because it rains 25/8 and my ego felt the need to tell you I don’t fuck with umbrellas) but you get it lol. Sometimes it’s just preparing ourselves to be able to maneuver in what IS - as opposed to walking out in a snowstorm wearing a bikini.
Sometimes, and often times, it is much deeper than that.
So, this eclipse.
Tropical astrology (which is not correct, looking at the sky will tell you that. It’s almost an entire sign off, calculated inaccurately 24 degrees ahead) tells us this eclipse is happening in libra. My apologies to everyone I’ve done natal chart readings before when I used tropical astrology. I did not know what I know today. My bad!
This eclipse is happening in the later part of the constellation of Virgo, Chitra Nakshatra. This part of the constellation is referenced as "The Shining Jewel”.
That part of the constellation does spill over into Libra as well, but still, shit’s going down in Virgo. The sky is divided differently in Vedic/Sidereal lens, I will not even attempt to break it down, I suggest people like Lada Duncheva & Trifon on Youtube.
Anywho, just look at the constellations or use one of those apps that tell you where the constellations are and planets and you’ll see for yourself, don’t take it from me. Isn’t it amazing that it took me to just LOOK UP at the sky after years of buying into whats being sold everywhere to realize oh shit, no, thats not actually right. We legit trust our phone screens and other people’s word over what our fucking eyes can prove to us. Aaaaand thats a rabbit hole I won’t be discussing on this post but it goes much further than this topic!
First, to prepare for any event like this, it’s important to know your rising sign.
Here’s how:
The following rising (ascendant) signs are sidereal / vedic signs. if you know your tropical rising sign, subtract 24 degrees from it. It’ll likely be the sign right before your tropical rising sign, unless you were born between 26 and 29 degrees of your tropical ascendant.
To find your rising sign, you’ll need to know your time of birth, along with location date etc. — you can enter it here:
There’s an area to enter your information at the top. Before you do so, pay attention to the number in the the diagram where the 1 appears (before you enter the information). These are examples. The position of the 1 in these example/neutral charts are where the rising sign/first house is displayed.
It’ll start as 1, which is representing the rising sign. Then you’ll type in your shit and it’ll show you (in order of zodiac) by number what your rising is.
Lets say you see a 5 in the place where the 1 was. That means you’re a Leo rising, because Leo is the 5th sign in the zodiac.
Right here is an example of a Taurus rising. You’ll see this because the number 2 is in the place of the first house/starting point, and Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac. (Zodiac list below.) Don’t let anything overwhelm you, you are only looking for your rising sign, the number in the place of the 1. The only way this will remain a 1 after you enter your information is if you are an aries rising. Don’t worry about everything else. Use the above chart (black and gold image) to see the basic layout of the order of houses if you want.
(Order of the zodiac from 1 to 12: Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces)
Here are the sidereal/vedic rising signs, and which house this eclipse is falling into for them (and what that means).
Aries rising - 6th house of health, adveserial energy (open enemies) employees, job, daily tasks
Taurus rising - 5th house of good luck, good fortune from previous karmas, children, sex, creativity, romance / dating, love
Gemini rising - 4th house of home, happiness, foundations for happiness, also represents the mother
Cancer rising - 3rd house of siblings, hobbies/interest, close friends/neighbors, communication, short distance travel
Leo rising - 2nd house of money, values, close family, food, self-worth, valuables
Virgo rising - 1st house of identity, self, physical body, nervous system, who you are and what you’re about. This eclipse is going to be near your ascendant, whether you are late degree virgo or early degree libra especially, so pay extra attention and give extra care to your health (and the health of those around you.)
Libra rising - 12th house of subconscious, things hidden, sorrow, isolation, loss, expenses, spirituality, intuition, hidden enemies
Scorpio rising- 11th house of friends, profits, gains, network, community at large, also deals with technology/internet, humanitarian concerns, innovation
Sagittarius rising- 10th house of career, public reputation, the work you do in the world (some schools of astrology say the 10th house is associated with ones father, others say it is the 9th. I don’t have a dog in that fight personally.)
Capricorn rising- 9th house of higher education, prosperity, religion, spirituality, teachings, teachers, long distance / foreign travel, ancient teachings referred to this as the house of God.
Aquarius rising - 8th house of shared resources, death, grief, loss, the occult, sex, mysticism and even kundalini yoga, upheaval and change, any yoga practices, also taxes
Pisces rising- 7th house of marriage, one on one partnerships, contracts, legal issues/affairs, commitment.
Disruptions and revelations, NEW beginnings, endings, watch these areas of your life. The actual solar eclipse is 10/14 but you’re likely already feeling the energy. For the energy of an eclipse to wane, give it two weeks on either side of the actual event. Effects/changes made from this event are usually very long lasting - we’re talking massive course corrections. Unless you don’t step up and do what life asks of you - then best case scenario it’s like missing the bus. Worst case scenario is not something I want to spend time typing out.
WHAT TO DO if you don’t know shit about astrology and don’t really give a fuck but want to make the best out of a powerful celestial event?
If you practice yoga, please do. If you are open to trying something like kundalini yoga, PLEASE DO!
Anything for you that is spiritual in nature and connects you to the Divine, do THAT— moreso than you would on a normal day. Come back and let me know what happens.
I’ll be working during this whole shenanigans, but I’m also taking part in a 5 day (virtual) kundalini yoga retreat from Wednesday before the eclipse to the Sunday after the eclipse. Some days I may be able to practice with the livestream, other days I may have to adjust with my matrix schedule and practice along with the replay. Doesn’t matter, all that matters is that we do the practice that makes us feel FREE and at home in our soul. Kundalini yoga is one of those things for me.
Usually some shit comes to me when I’m practicing yoga, but especially during times like this, so I’ll be sharing on here what comes. Most posts will be private, but I wanted to make this post public for people to find their rising signs if they were interested.
If you want to try something like kundalini yoga, I recommend life force academy.
You can try 2 weeks for $1 at
and boom there you go.
Ask yourself…
What do you value and what do you want? Who are you? Why are you here? Depending on the area of the eclipse falling into your chart, what needs to GO and what needs to be made room for to blossom in that area? Don’t cling too tightly, sometimes just asking and a brief period of consideration, followed by a RELEASE of that question and a period of time in meditation, your answer will boomerang right back at you.