The most revolutionary act we can take is to show up to the war within ourselves. To be the True Warrior that hunts themselves.
As within, so without.
We will all reflect the relationship we have within, onto everyone and everything around us.
As someone who spent a great deal of my life dealing with feelings of lack, unworthiness, shame and self-hatred, I am acutely aware of how much this erodes and destroys ones life & relationships, long after whatever event took place that “planted those seeds” in the first place.
Life events can plant seeds of shame, injustice and devastation within us, but are we excavating & alchemizing them…. or are we watering them and allowing them to take over?
The key, as always, is awareness.
I didn’t realize I was doing this until I was 32 years old. I realized that the way I spoke, the words I used, the attachment to my trauma that I perpetuated with my speech and thoughts, was creating nearly all of my suffering, and making any tough situation 100x harder and more prolonged.
This is not to induce a state of blame or shame. Many of us do this without knowing it. Just as positive emotions can become addicting, so can negative ones.
We often become addicted to whatever is familiar or makes us feel safe in a predictable scenario, even if that predictable scenario is torture.
There is a Great Force in the universe that is always listening to us.
I don’t believe it is necessarily emotional… but it does always answer, and it reflects back to us what we are saying, thinking, and most importantly, feeling.
This is not to say, “Don’t feel bad or bad things will happen”, No. Not at all. We have to honor our feelings and feel them so the process, alchemize, and evolve us. This is like the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to the butterfly. We cannot dodge any level of transformation. We ca watch our thoughts and words, because we are not emitting these things into a void.
Something is responding and reflecting back.
Let’s jump into some teachings and perspective on inner prosperity and purpose:
Have compassion for ourselves and our bodies.
How much we endure.
Have compassion for our own lives, our own nervous systems.
Just being in a human life is, in and of itself, a major journey. It has a heroic nature, especially when we’re able to take a pause for a moment, and pay attention to that… the mysterious journey of our life.
And somehow, it does have some sense of purpose.
Tune in for a moment.
What is it our life is wishing for right now?
What is it that we’re struggling with?
It can be a wish, a prayer, it’s however you relate to it, but it’s putting your mind into a space that diercts you towards that which you desire. That’s why it’s important to drop down into our heart, so we can feel what we really desire.
We have so many surface desires, but they might not lead us to a place of real peace.
If we can drop down into the heart and feel our sense of inner purpose, then now, maybe, we touch that essential connection to prosperity:
Prosperity is something that is grand and expansive, not limited to any one idea.
Prosperity is when we are feeling the richness of life through our life.
There are endless ways to experience that, in both times of great joys and times of tremendous sorrow.
To stay inside the field of purpose, it has to encompass both of those things, and everything in between.
And how do we feel wonderful, if we are not connected to some authentic sense of meaning, that goes beyond our worldly activities? Even having a business and achieving our dreams, that’s fantastic, but once the buzz of that feeling wears off, we’re left with the same person.
All of our dreams, and all our fears, our karmas, are things that are there to experience so they can open us and make us experience what we really are… and what we really are, is beyond our conception.
It is so wonderful, so magnificent, that all you can do is point do it.
That’s why we make poetry, art and music, because at a certain point, certain things just can’t be talked about.
-Jai Dev
Hold that thought…
I know there is a lot going on in the world, and the instinct for many is to react, jump, and also become furious with anyone who doesn’t follow suit.
It can be hard to hear someone say that the true war we must show up to fight is the one within ourselves, not thousands of miles away, because to someone in a heightened emotional state, it can sound insensitive.
If someone isn’t even aware they have a war within themselves, it sounds outright delusional.
That’s fine.
All I’m saying is, what can any of us do for our loved ones, and even “strangers”, or those we haven’t formally met yet, if we can’t even help ourselves?
Why would you show up to a battle on the world stage when you can’t quell the fires within your own self? What do you have to offer? What mindset are you bringing to a collective attempt at problem solving?
With a broken mindset driven by emotional cues from a propaganda machine (government, media, your favorite influencers, etc.) we tend to make things worse, even with the best of intentions. Because we cannot see clearly, and we are easily manipulated to external agendas. We don’t have original thought, we are only parroting phrases from the machine. So, how could we provide an innovative solution, with the same frequency of thought that created these problems?
This can be applied on a micro-level as well. We all are familiar with the saying “you cant fix a broken brain with a broken brain” or “you can’t think your way into right thinking” etcetera…
It applies to everything.
As within, so without.
The grand tragedies on the world stage have long since been at play within our own hearts and minds.
This is why the root of revolution, and the true battlefield for the human spirit, takes place within.
From this place, a place of transformed perspective, energy, emotion, mind and being… we can then go forth and create the world of harmony and connection we all deep down wish to live in. Because we have become harmony. We have become connection.
So of course, we can provide it, because it is something we truly have within ourselves, not just thoughts and ideals we hold within our heads.
Much more on this later…. much more. For now, enjoy the beautiful day. And I ask you…
if you tune into your heart..
what is it you truly desire, underneath the urges of worldly achievements?
what is the engine that propels them all for you?
I suspect the answer may be the same for us… expressed in different ways.
We all want Love. We all want connection. We all want purpose.
Love and connection may just be the purpose…. the dharma… and our vehicles to attaining and actualizing said dharma onto the earth and within our lives are limitless.
Writers, write on.
Yogis, practice on.
Musicians, play on.
Dancers, dance on.
Painters, paint on.
Lovers, love on.
Poets, weave on.
Open up, and let God OUT.