Once upon an etherial piano accompanied Sunday, a transmission came through. This was one year ago…
But this world is not what it seems. We are in school. We're here to be challenged, tested, so that we may transcend and grow as spiritual beings. I know that God is, was, and will be. I know that Love is more precious than material possessions. I know that all mortals are here for the blink of an eye. We're all gonna die😊 So, what to do while we're here? ❤️ 🕊️ 🙏
To catch the vibe, this song was playing all day. A message from Rebel Scum, shared above, as the lot of us traded ideas in my old telegram chat that has long since been nuked.
Greg Reese dropped a podcast that day on preparedness. I heeded advice at taking some dough outta the bank. This proved to be a life-saver months down the line, but never mind all that…
Rebel Scum
We’d talk about many things, us in the freedom community, fiercely aware of our sovereignty and willing to do anything, but always coming up against the same… damn… thing…
Unity. Community.
We humans were so scattered, kept so busy by the spinning wheels of a machine we never signed off on, nor asked for…
Even the ones who had woken up still couldn’t find a way to open up… let alone get off the ride.
I was stuck in a city— couldn’t afford to live in it, and couldn’t afford to move out, so I knew I had to formulate another plan.
Little did I know.. that plan would come in the form of one of my greatest blessings, disguised as one of my worst nightmares. Funny how they do that huh.
We realized we likely weren’t waking anyone else up. The alarm had been going off for years. At this point, it was us.
Oh yeah, I forgot you can see a lot of people in action in that community in this music video I made here.
We had community, shit was rough to remain together physically, for at the end of every rendez-vous we’d get pulled back to what the machine called us to do, except the few, the off-grid and fully sustainable homesteaded— for now, they were safe.
For those who remained, an uphill battle to secure land and an intentional community with the know how to do…well… everything.
I learned a lot in my time there. It was cut short, but the mission will never change, and I’m only a handful of miles (or maybe a few hundred) away.
But the mission and the vision is now everywhere, one only needs the eyes to see.
It’s no longer so underground or taboo to want to return to you roots and unplug from a machine you never fucking asked to be part of, let alone become enslaved to.
So, as Rebel Scum asked, what to do while we’re here?
It was then that the spiritual nature of the question, answer and SOLUTION began to stare into me.
I don’t think I realized it yet. I was so aggressive in attacking everything head on, until I had my ass muted on every platform. I still continued but, maaaan… I was not about to listen to anyone about changing tactics until I myself broke from unrelated circumstances and discovered… there was so much more to me than my rage… and it was far more helpful than the part I’d played.
That would come later though.
From a logical standpoint, one has to adopt different tactics. Why?
Why call out the elephant in the room where only those suffering from Stockholm Syndrome reside? Instant Lord of the Flies, or become logged in a honey-trap for the determination of your future social credit score, in the open air prison where you’ll own nothing, and… “be happy”… meaning you damn well better act happy, take notes from North Korea, or its off to the gulags with you and yours.
Don’t disrupt the nature of things, especially not with talking about the Nature of things.
But we’re not “there” yet, so the ones who don’t pay attention think it could never happen here. You’re right, it won’t happen “here”. The outline and fast encroaching implementation on all sides is actually “everywhere”. Don’t be so narrow minded.
I assure you, your opposition is not.
Ah yes, back to Life, Love, God, and this school we’re all in.
What grade would you give?
Not just to the NPCs you can’t stand.
What grade would you give yourself at present day? Your relationships? Your happiness? Your ability to connect with and serve others? Do you believe in yourself, or do you look in your own eyes with hate?
Do you avoid the mirror entirely?
I would not judge a thing. We have all been to those places. Blessed are the ones who can admit that shit.
With all that is at stake, everything and nothing, revolution and annihilation, the last thing we should be concerned with is what some asshole on the internet thinks.
Yet the things we THINK other people think (or might think) about us have more control over our behavior than almost anything.
There’s a way out.
So many.
All roads lead one way
After wracking our brains and trying to figure out how to escape, and then on top of that, to find the right people to cooperate in taking on, well, everything…
We realized that it always came down to the same thing.
We cannot solve the problem with the same level of consciousness that has been ensnared with it.
We cannot work together if we can’t even work in harmony with ourselves.
We may have all the know-how amongst us, but what is the number one thing that takes groups who have decided to “exit and build” out?
Of course, they count on this.
The only place we’ve never gone. Fuck the moon and mars (not literally, I respect those great energies, I mean fuck lusting after visiting them in physicality when we haven’t even explored the terrain within — how detached and insane is this?)
The battleground is within the human spirit. The war is for the human spirit. The medicine is in the human spirit.
We have the ability to do anything. Careful with that power, without a mindful container it could bring problems. But things are not so occulted anymore, are they?
So… what to do while we are here?
Rebel Scum, I don’t know where you are anymore.
But I remember you.
I hope if you see this one day, you find a way to say something, but… who knows where your journey has taken you.
Rebel Scum kept it simple.
Let us break down Rebel Scum’s words that found their way deep into my psyche this evening:
This world is not what it seems.
Friends, that is an invitation.
We are in school. We are here to be challenged, tested, so that we may transcend and grow as spiritual beings.
Friends, that is an invitation.
I know that God is, was, and will be.
Friends, that is also an invitation. He did not say “I believe”. He said “I know”. Why might that be? Do.Not.Think. — only try. Experience. Many things cannot be understood with the eye of the mind.
I know that Love is more precious than material possessions.
This is an invitation that I am pushing to a dare. I dare you to find out. Go to the ends of the earth to try and prove that statement wrong. Actually, don’t, it’ll be the most agonizing lesson you ever learn. An easier way? Just open your eyes and slow the fuck down for a minute.
You will know, and if you do not already know, you will know the next time The Reaper comes. Do not forget lessons from The Reaper. You will have to learn them again, and it will be much worse. The only thing that matters in this life is Love. Everything else is noise.
I know that all mortals are here for the blink of an eye. We’re all gonna die 😊
We are in the hallway of the heroes journey called life. Between the door of the womb and the door of death. Can we unplug ourselves enough to see this? Can we touch the beauty of mortality?
So, what to do while we’re here?
This part I leave open to you. You answer. What to do while we’re here?
To not be an asshole, I’ll start with a few things:
Open up and let God OUT. Travel, but plant roots. Build something that will outlast your vessel. Heal others. Heal yourself. Build community, family, love, connection. Do the things that make your heart sing. Create connection, joy, harmony, throw gasoline on the embers of the next revolution for humanity and facilitate that motherfucker until every being who wishes to be free, is free.
Your Turn:
Dedicated to Rebel Scum and
I was there at that FloteFest in 2022 when John Bush took that zany pic after his Freedom Cells presentation. I am the bearded guy way in back wearing a brown hat with feathers in it, under one of the tent things. Fun times. Noodle salad.
This morning I had occasion to post an essay about paladin training. In it I quote a favourite psalm. "Be still and know that I am God." In the religious society of the friends of Jesus we try to sit still and also still the voice in the mind, that ongoing monologue that talks about the things going on. People who meditate learn to silence their own inner voice. And then you can hear God when God chooses to speak to you.
We are all connected to God through our souls, all the time. God can feel everything we feel. And if you go to God in prayer you can be guided. God loves you and wants you to be happy.
We are here in this world to learn and grow and gain the power God wants us to have. If you are here, you volunteered to come here.
We are at the end of a 200,000 year war against demons. In the end, God wins. See Malachi 4 for the Cliff Notes.