Morning Messages To Stir Your Consciousness
Teachings to open our hearts, and honoring the memory of Dylan Smith, the person who introduced me to Love in this life, and whom I wouldn't have survived my younger years without. Memento Mori.
Grand rising. These are quotes, messages and brief stories to accompany whatever else you consume in the next 24 hours.
There is also a message at the end in honoring Dylan Smith, on this second anniversary of his passing.
His life introduced me to and taught me about love. His death taught me even more.
Deep down, every human being asks why, and looks for theirs.
In a conversation with my aunt, we briefly touched on this, how everyone is still figuring out the “why” to their lives.
A quiet voice then interjected into my mind…
Whatever opens your heart.
I watched the joy of her new dog opening hers.
I observed myself laughing like a child while playing guitar.
I heard the call for prayers over this eclipse retreat, for every human being to have an open heart.
Those broken pieces, those wounds, that is where Love enters. That is where all things are touched by the Light and transformed.
“God breaks the heart over and over again, until it remains open.”
“As deep as we’re willing to excavate, as high as we’re able to fly in the heavens.” -
“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”
-Alan Watts
“Joy and misery are both dances within a dream.”
-Jai Dev
“There is a lot of ugliness and pain in this world, and there is a lot of beauty, joy and magic as well. It’s all where your perspective and focus is.”
-Barbara Green
“The trouble is, you think you have time.”
This last quote I will comment on, in Memento Mori tradition, but also, you are reading this on the two year anniversary of the passing of Dylan Smith. He was my first love in this life, and my former fiancé. We got together very young and I spent nearly a third of my life with him.
The Reaper has come and taken more loved ones than I can count. But his passing taught me more about life, death and love, than anything I have ever experienced.
If I could share one thing in his honor….
Death is the silencer of all falsehoods. Death is the ultimate clarity.
Only that which is real remains.
That One is Love.
May you find it now.
Nothing will show us more about how to live a life well lived, than Death.
Time passes through our hands like sand…what will you do with yours today?
Good and bad… these things are all relative.
What shapes us, what makes us less of what we are not, and more of what we are, regardless of method…
These are things to celebrate and be grateful for, especially the things we thought would be our demise. Because instead, it gave rise to all things we could never conceive of with our old, outdated mental matrix.
One last thing…
On open hearts….on breaking open…on Love…on Truth…
A man who will remain anonymous spoke at a meeting once. This was many years ago.
He said something so counter to a group following a particular dogma, a dogma stating that God is only outside of us, and never within us…the tension in the room was stretched so tightly, you could have severed it with a butterknife.
It was beautiful.
He said….
“Open up, and let God OUT.”
This was groundbreaking and quite revolutionary, to a long history of society condemning and shaming themselves, and seeking salvation in an external savior.
Open up.. and let God OUT.
That thing in you that is begging to be seen and heard, but you are so terrified to show it that you bury it for years… it’s likely that.
But if you put your hands over your heart center today, breathe in silence and quietly ask yourself… what does my heart want?
It will answer.
I suspect that will be the most powerful motivational quote you’ll receive, far more than anything here.
Be well.
The remaining articles from the eclipse retreat will continue later this week.
Let Love rule the day.
Oh yeah… and…
“Believe in yourselves. Dream. Try. Do Good.
…But there’s just one last thing… tell us you love us”
“True Warriors Hunt Themselves” - a quote from Don Miguel Ruiz, which years later turned into this song, created by myself and FEIO. I offer it to you as a prayer for today, among the many others that may uplift you.
Tell someone you love that you love them today, please.
We do not get a warning of when our last opportunity will be.
Scroll down for a visual reminder of the preciousness of this life we are in. I will likely write another post about Dylan that can be dedicated to his story entirely, or I may express it musically, likely both. Some things are hard to put into words.
Grand Rising, from a beautiful place on Earth.
Rest In Peace, Dylan Timothy Smith.
10/17/1987 - 10/17/2021
Thank you for keeping me alive all those years, and thank you for introducing me to Love, and rescuing me from hell. Your request will be honored. I have not forgotten.
Our loved ones never die. They just transform. He can still be felt. His story will be told.
Be true to one another. Though we can still feel our loved ones on the other side, all you will ultimately have left is memories, for the most part. Make them meaningful. Be present. All of this goes away in the end. That’s what makes it so precious.
In a world so tragically programmed by fear, Love is a radical and revolutionary force. Let god OUT... is quite possibly the definition of Love, this is why we are here. This definitely shook me. I am thankful to all those before me who had the courage to let god out so I could see how to do it too. ❤️🩹🔮🫀