Censorship. Now you’re starting to hear people with large platforms complain about it, but it’s been happening for a LONG time. Notably it increased significantly with those who could see through the narrative in 2020, which is why Event 201 had a section devoted to how to control social dissent online. Now, fact checking (only if your facts contradict the lies from the people who own the fact checkers) deplatforming, censorship and “community guidelines” are normalized… until you realize:
The new freedom of speech is FREEDOM OF REACH.
If you lose that, you’re f*cked, if you have intentions on wanting to communicate with other people who aren’t in your immediate physical vicinity. If you’re on a homestead with the fam and don’t have any need for wifi or the world outside your immediate community, you surely aren’t reading this, but I salute you. 🫡 ♥️ 🏴☠️ 🌱
This is also the killing of the mind, it’s not just about what information gets silenced, it’s also about what information gets pushed. We call that propaganda. We call the silencing TRUTH.
You decide for yourself. I am here to share one thing, and one thing only with you, for now: 👇
I used to have a podcast called THE GREAT SILENCING. It originated from a story I wrote in 2021.
I was so upset about what was happening around me with the mRNA mandates, lockdowns, and all hell breaking loose in the giant city I was sardined in - I lost housing three times, was unlawfully incarcerated, all kinds of bullshit with these lockdowns in 2020. I couldn’t speak what I experienced without real world consequences, the most painful ones being total exile from people I thought were “my people”.
Jail and housing loss are easier to deal with than knowing a talking head on TV can make your loved ones wish death upon you.
SO… in order to vent frustrations, I entered a doomsday “fiction” writing contest. Obviously I did not win, and after I submitted my entry, an email went out scolding us that “conspiracies guised as fiction would not be tolerated” so fuck that platform entirely (it was Vocal incase you were wondering 😉) but thats EXACTLY why I entered it.
The Great Silencing was not fiction. It was literally the ONLY WAY I could ring the alarm and voice what I saw coming for humanity without getting attacked in real life, and wiped off the internet entirely.
So, on episode one of my podcast, which is now no longer active, I read this story, and shared a few other thoughts:
Because this shit is really increasing and I want people to have access to this and hear all your thoughts, I will make this podcast episode and post public. Please share your thoughts, and please share this post if you feel it could do some good among the ears you know.
Love you. Here it is: (BTW I was very new to podcasting, if you want to get straight to the story, fast forward to the 23 minute mark)
(Originally recorded July of 2022)