It is no secret, the level of hypnosis and the destruction on our intuitive minds eye that these apps and screens have.
Go down the Optogenetics rabbit hole if you really want to know what these things are capable of. Blue light blockers are the new tin foil hat, except they’re very necessary.
Last spring, I took a break from social media. That was a big deal because I was in the middle of dropping a lot of music, which required me to be on social media every day. However…
I didn’t give a shit anymore. I was losing my sanity. I knew I had to UNPLUG and return to reality.
My mental health was unraveling to the point where I cancelled a show I was scheduled to perform in. I was in bad shape.
So I deleted these apps from my phone, put all notifications on “do not disturb”, and spent the next 24 hours exploring waterfalls, caves and rivers. That was day one.
From that point.. everything began to change.
Since that “six-week social media detox”….
I haven’t been able to get back on socials. A physical revulsion occurs as if I had detoxed from an allergen, my system now responding accordingly — with an allergic reaction.
I recorded a podcast episode during this “detox” time called Hypnotized Minds. I don’t remember what I said in the episode, as this was 8 months ago, but for some reason, I was called to share it tonight.
Hypnotized Minds: Social Media, Hedonism and the Loneliness Epidemic
(Episode 20 of The Great Silencing with Tesstamona Podcast)
This was the original article from last April:
So, what’s the shift about? Because that episode was… 8 months ago.
I’ll discuss it here, along with some prophecies surrounding the Aeon of Horus, The Year of the 8 (2024), and points of warning & awareness for us as we move forward:
There is a frequency change with the upcoming year of the 8.
Yes, we realize that time is… not accurate. Not the way everyone is counting.
However, given the CMEs/Solar storms, massive astrological shifts, shifts in human psyches occurring everywhere on the planet, the prophecies of the Aeon of Horus all coming true at a rapid rate… I believe this to be the fucking RECKONING.
Shit’s about to get real — that’d be an accurate translation.
There will be three types of people: Angelic people, crazy people, and dead people.
The unfit shall be thrown into the discard.
Keep your caliber up, and you will be kept up.
The Rosicrucians talked about the prophecies of this age being one of what I just shared, with frequencies (be it solar energies or other things) hitting the planet at such increased rates, that if our caliber is not kept up, we will be pulled into the undertow, and thrown into the discard.
I don’t need to prove that to anyone, just look around.
I know you’ve already seen it.
2024 - The Year of the 8
I’ll get much more in depth with this as it approaches, but for now:
8 represents a very high chance for either succcess or failure, there is no middle ground here.
8 is HIGH VITALITY, it is Prana, it is LIFE FORCE, it is the HEALER. It is also said to be the number associated with Christ.
These are some of its virtues. High energy, high ability to tap into life force and actualize, but the vices…
The vices look like HIGH MORTALITY, for one thing.
It looks like burn out and wasted life force.
It looks like being unprepared, scattered, getting your ass kicked by the current and sucked into the undertow.
With a frequency this strong, one’s spiritual caliber must be kept up in order to be a fit receptacle to receive it. Otherwise, it can wreak havoc on your system and destroy you.
“An 8 is well rested.”
This is an enlightened 8, knowing it needs to be well rested for the amount of energy it expends by nature.
Why is this a shift?
I believe a lot of us are intuitively knowing where to unplug. Where to eliminate. Where to consolidate. We are developing discernment of how we SPEND our attention and energy, in a world that wants it scattered and thinned to the point where we can barely be considered sentient beings.
We see this on Substack. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people express that they are done with the social media apps, and glad to all be here, where as of now, we aren’t being censored into oblivion, and we’re able to make (although still synthetic because it is virutal) deeper connections because we don’t have limitations on short form content, nor are we smothered by a consumer base of doom-scrollers.
I do not want to overload myself or you by getting into too many things at once. There will be a continuation on all of these topics.
Warnings and awareness points in moving forward:
🌟 Say NO to nightmares.
-If you see it not ending well, and can use discernment of how similar things have gone in the past… now is likely not the time to roll the dice. Especially not with the energy of the 8. The potential for groundbreaking success is at an all-time high, as is the potential for earth-shattering failure.
🌟 Beware of envious energies, emotional vampirism, and strategic provocation.
-Social media operates on strategic provocation, and look at what it has done to everybody. The disconnect gives way to enormous amounts of voyeuristic delusional envy and emotional vampirism, especially in combination with the phenomena of parasocial relationships.
We know the matrix uses these tactics to keep the peasants fighting. Don’t forget that those of us who are still de-programming, or haven’t even begun, are embodiments of the energies of this matrix. Don’t be surprised if the people closest to you are exhibiting these things.
🌟 REST adequately. Balance and health have never been more important.
I sense something coming, some sort of STAND for humanity… so how are we going to show up for that fight?
🌟 “Your responsibility to be prepared for the fight never ends.”
I wasn’t planning on including that, it just came through my head. That is a quote from James Yeager, founder of Tactical Response. His legacy lives on.
🌟 Detox now, your load calls to be lightened.
This comes in form of abusive/toxic relationships, dead energy dynamics, scenarios where we toil without reward or exchange, and also in the physical/health sense.
Many are doing parasite cleanses right now — I know it grosses some people out to discuss, but these things emit chemicals that affect our behavioral health and the thoughts we have. If that isn’t mind control I don’t know what the fuck is.
There are many routes for this, I suggest keeping an eye on Black Walnut, Wormwood and Clover in combination, or try a tincture of well-made (NOT store bought) Black Walnut Oil. If you need a connection for that, let me know, I’ll send you to the farmers information I’ve bought that from, as well as an excellent high potency Comfrey Oil.
🌟 Visualize the tunnel. Strong energy does need to be directed.
From now through the Solstice is an excellent time to empty the mind and get clarity on what the highest vision for our life actually looks like.
We spend so much time attuning our energies to “their agenda”. We have to get off the script. We already know how it ends. Why would we continue to be actors in that play?
🌟 Listen, Watch and Observe.
All things come to light much faster without our interference, including the intentions of others. Reduce oppositional energy and be mindful of those who may set energetic or emotional traps for you.
🌟 Don’t look down.
Do not let “what if I don’t make it” be the reason why you do not try. I suspect we no longer have the luxury to play it safe in our lives. I suspect life is beginning to demand our participation in a much more direct and efficient way. We must emerge from our shadows. It would benefit us all to genuinely support one another in doing so.
🌟 Enchantment is waring off. As true value returns, the addiction to attention starts to wane.
Don’t expect people giving as much away for free anymore. Consider what you have to offer and consider adopting somewhat of an agorist approach to things.. value for value. Where can you create value? Where do you seek it?
More on this later, but it is time for me to rest. I do appreciate all of you, and if I don’t get back to comments fast, it’s because I’m really exhausted and need to take some time to rest and to create music this weekend, it’s not personal. Sometimes this online shit gets really overwhelming. It’s no ones fault, we just all have to set limits for ourselves, and I have a limit on how much time I can spend in front of a screen.
Love you.
Any tips for a beginner podcaster? I have a USB microphone and keep procrastinating my own podcast. I get hung up on the little things - intro/outro music, how long the intro should be, etc. Silly, but keeps me from really engaging one.
That was great. I was listening to you while I was outlining a piece of art for someone in Illustrator. Thank you for talking to me while I did that. I thought of a lot of things, I mean you said a lot. But here's a few that are stuck in my brain. We Do need to be community for each other. I keep telling myself that my next friend may look nothing like me. They could be different in many ways, but if they are genuinely concerned with what is going on and they are in it and they are committed to being who they are, I accept them. I will help them move. I have a truck. I can't tell you how many people I have helped move. We all need to be there for each other. I make friends at the grocery store. They email me when I haven't been by in a long time. But it's nice to know people. All I had to do was stop to ask them how things were affecting them. It started in 2020. I made a lot of friends at the grocery store in 2020. It is common to find yourself in a "conversation" with someone and they are constantly applying everything you say to themselves, rather than just letting you tell a story. That is so common. I talk to a lot of people on a regular basis. (at one of my jobs) I LISTEN to people. I repeat what they have told me and try to reframe it from my perspective, perhaps, or ask more questions. Why? Well, if I am having a conversation with you, clearly, I am meant to be focusing on this experience with you right now. You are as important as I am. So, if I apply that reasoning, clearly, I SHOULD be listening! There might be more than meets the eye as well, sometimes. Who knows? Many wonderful things were born because someone felt heard. They felt understood. I am always glad when that comes back to me. I notice when it doesn't. When people cut me off to apply this to them or to tell me a correlating story, when I wasn't even at my point yet; I notice. I forgive them and hope that over time, they will learn a new pacing in a conversation with me and some of them do! Some people do learn a new pacing to a conversation with you. Sometimes, they just haven't had anyone to talk to in so long, they have so many things to say about their own experience that they can't listen to you yet. They need to talk about what they want to talk about for a while first. I like to hang in there with people. I have seen good things come of it. Now and then, you realize it just isn't worth the effort. They aren't learning (or teaching) anything at all. That's okay. That's their deal. Then I switch to "professionalism" or "professional loving kindness". I like being nice to people. If there is a reason to kick them in the ass though, you can count on that too. Sometimes a swift kick in the ass is exactly the most loving thing you can do. For example the time a woman came up to me and POINTED in my FACE and said "AMY! YOU DIDNT DO THE THING the way I wanted you to!". I said "number one, do NOT point in my face. " breath....."Number two, GOOD MORNING". Pause for lesson to kick in, forgiving smile, awaiting a 'good morning' myself..... "And as for the "thing", please give me a call during office hours or leave a note on my desk. I will review it when I am in the office. I do not accept complaints or requests on Sunday morning before I get into my music. This is my sacred time. " Never had a problem again. Also, other people were listening, so that was good. No one wants a repeat correction, not even an egotist. She goes out of her way to swing by and pay me a compliment now and then. I guarantee you she will never point in my face again. AHaha. Ah, people. They are complex creatures. I am really worried about a lot of them. People who are lonely and alone and closed off, I am worried about. Everyone needs community. That's so true.