Honor Their Legacy and Be Steadfast In Your Evolution...
It is never too late. As long as there is breath in the lungs, Great Works can and will be done.
Greetings, friends. Allow me to start out with a message from Remington Donovan:
Theres a saying on the teachings and the 8 limbs of yoga : We practice yoga in order to be prepared for the fight.
I’m paraphrasing here, but:
Sometimes the fight really is you, and having that vigor and that power and that sense of victory. This is why I’m drawn to kundalini yoga, it has an exterior often of the Sihk tradition, which is very much a warrior tradition, and magick is aligned with that, whether fighting for our souls in this incarnation and overcoming obstacles, but also this (hallows eve) is sort of a somber day, so take pause, and in your own way, honor those who have come before you.
And I’m not talking about necessarily your ancestors biologically, there is DNA code that a lot of it you may not want, but in magick, we look at that lineage, and THE LEGACY, not necessarily biology at all.
And there have been many who have dedicated their lives to bring more light onto this planet.
Now in the mythology: It’s the Armies of Horus, and we’re in the Aeon of Horus.
Horus is the falcon, the avenger of the light. The Temple of Edfu in Egypt is one of the power centers of this new consciousness. Thats the temple of Horus. This is where the light is coming back and being restored, because we’ve lived in so much oppression and darkness and confusion and horror, and I do feel like this war is also this old consciousness, I see some people coming together as humanity and not as two sides, but these pressure releases, this piscean age, this age of Osiris with their wars, they still wanna fight it out; it affects us and it’s a heavy time.
So this is a time where we honor those who have fallen, but to remind yourself to be steadfast in your evolution, which is a process of the light.
-Remington Donovan (The Mystical Arts)
Someone recently commented on this substack, and they said something that originally confused me. They said that Love was the most important thing, as were our memories, for we lose our memories just as easily as we lose the ones we love; we take them for granted.
I thought… what is he talking about? I never forget the ones I love and have lost. That’s weird. WELL…
Turns out our brains are kind of dealing with A LOT, and it is easy to forget something subtle, yet so powerful… like the sound of someones voice, the way someones face looks when they smile, the way someones face looks in general, when you haven’t seen them in a while… sometimes crucial moments of change, words we and others have said, will disappear from our conscious minds.
I had a recall of several of these moments today, and I couldn’t believe it.
I was working with a woman and we were doing a sort of…. let’s say it was a visualization. She asked me to go into a certain part of my psyche for a certain purpose, and I did.
I went to the fire.
I went to the sacred fires that Grandmother Indigo Jewel used to hold for us twice a month in her backyard.
And after only a few seconds of this visualizing technique… I began to hear her voice.
The softness of it. The way she stretched out certain vowels, and the way she spoke so softly when sharing the most beautiful teachings with us.
She died in 2019. I never really processed it. I just started running.
Today was the first time I’ve heard her voice since 2019.
I remember the last thing she said to me too. I won’t share it… but I’m glad I followed her guidance.
She is still a Guide. An immortalized one now. This is due to her spiritual evolution, and her legacy - how she shared and taught it.
We are not related by blood, but this connection she fostered in spirit with more people on this planet than I can fathom, myself included.
I then began to remember more things, things I myself said at these ceremonies, declared it in front of 30+ women…. and to realize now that I continued to struggle with it years later.
I had forgotten all of those things. I had forgotten the sound of her voice. I had forgotten how much effort she put into each and every ceremony, each and every teaching….
I had forgotten the hysterical laughter by the fire that me and a few other women tried so hard to suppress, because a guy named Jesus was sharing at the fire, and that was not appropriate to disturb his time to speak… but WOW we were dying because someone on the other side of the fence had the sneeze from hell and would not stop sneeze-whailing for the entire time, this person was literally screaming every time they sneezed, and we couldn’t handle it. We were crying and covering our faces trying to hide laughter.
I started laughing in the same fashion when I remembered this… and this was four years ago.
So yeah, we do forget. And we can lose our way.
Or we can just simply forget how fucking beautiful this life is.
But they aren’t gone.
They are retrievable. Today is proof of that.
Being present I think is key to remembering. But if you’re like me, you’ve lived most of your life either in the past or future, not in the present, so this whole “coming down to earth” business is a recent undertaking for many of us.
Let us remember the bringers of light to our lives.
Let us remember Love, however micro or macro dose you feel you’ve experienced of it.
Let us remember the ones who gave our lives… in order to assist others on their path to liberation and healing.
And by the way, these people we honor, they don’t have to be dead yet. It’s never “too soon” to acknowledge how much someone has impacted your life. We make a mistake when we wait to do so until reading their eulogy.
I honor Grandmother Indigo Jewel, I honor Connie.
I honor the mothers who have endured unspeakable agony in raising children in a world so spun.
The same goes for fathers.
I honor anyone who is brave enough to explore the depths of their own soul, and bring forth the light within.
THAT is what will be our next revolution.
I honor Truth, Love, Awareness, Wisdom and Liberation.
I honor all teachers. and I honor all who have enough humility and bravery to be students.
And whoever you are reading, I honor you too. I love you, and there is a great well of love inside you… even if life feels like a living hell right now… your true nature will never leave you. Sometimes we get lost in the wilderness for a while. Sometimes, that “while” feels like our entire lives. Please trust me when I say, it does change. If you’re in the wilderness, it does end. It may take years or decades… but as long as there is breath in the lungs, Great Works can and will be done. 🌟