Alright so maybe I decided to do that.
If you heard my last podcast, “Preppers in the Solution”, then you heard a snippet of the new song “Let Em Know” that comes out at the end of this month.
It’s no secret that our society is… well, we’ve got many diamonds in the rough, but when one looks around, especially if you look into the machine (AKA our phones, the babylonian rectangle of death, etc) it looks like an ocean of psychosis.
I don’t think humans are meant to be barraged with SO MUCH stimulation all the time, it draws us away from WHO WE ARE, and it delays us from becoming who we are meant to be. In my opinion that is by design, but never mind that…
We can actually fix it.
There are many ways to do it, and me being one person is just one person, but this is one of the things I decided to do.
I had this song I wrote, sang and rapped, and Cris Cordero produced the instrumentals. We made it in three days, sending files back and forth from Nashville to Oregon.
It was originally to answer a sync placement for a movie, but after it was done, I couldn’t just let the song sit there. And technically, your song can still be in TV/Film and be released to the public, unless a deal says otherwise.
I couldn’t get over the fact that this songs message was so empowering. I knew something had to be done with it, and I felt really uncomfortable in how… different it was, from anything else I’ve made. I mean shit, I didn’t even cuss ONE TIME in the song. I felt awkward releasing it, but something told me I had to, that there was some medicine in there that I needed to share.
So here’s what happened.
I posted a snippet of me performing the song on social media, and in the caption I asked people who they thought the lyrics were about.
The lyrics are incredibly empowering. Technically, there is no wrong answer, and the whole point is that they are about all of us. It was written about a group of people who were massive underdogs and about to essentially flip the whole script and do the impossible, for the simple fact that they stayed consistent and believed in themselves, when no one else did.
I don’t really know anyone who can’t relate to that on some level.
Some of us let the weight of the world and its nay-saying get to us and we give up. Some of us continue to struggle in silence for decades. Some of us loudly defy it and in the end, we all end up ideally where we’re supposed to, but the road is daunting and lonely at best.
So I asked people who they thought it was about.
I knew no one was going to be like “I HEAR MYSELF IN THOSE LYRICS!” because we’re not really programmed to be cheer leaders for ourselves, for fear of seeming arrogant. We also have a cultural issue of widespread feelings of inferiority, which people go to great lengths to cover up.
I did, however, know that people would assume it was about whatever “group” they saw themselves as being affiliated with. It’s easier to associate positive things to yourself when it’s not just you.
With the exception of one person (yes one person did say THIS IS ABOUT ME, which I loved) every single person nominated whatever group they were affiliated with.
At the end of this social experiment, I privately messaged each person who took a guess at who the song was about on all the social media platforms I ran this experiment on.
I asked them to send me a 3 to 5 second video of them doing whatever it was that they either did best, or loved most, or felt that best represented themselves and their mission in this life.
I also recruited a few people that I know are absolute trailblazers in the fine art of following ones heart, one of the most revolutionary and bad ass thing you can fuckin do.
21 people said yes.
So I created a music video (I am NOT a videographer or video editor, so don’t expect some Quentin Tarantino production, but I did my best using my phone and iMovie lol) with the clips everyone sent me of them doing their things, plus me performing the song as I recorded it on my phone as the background footage that’d show in between clips.
You guys, however, are the star of the show.
I showcased people from homesteaders, podcasters, athletes, musicians, artists, firearms instructors, permaculture experts, activists, freedom fighters, producers, the list goes on.
I know every single one of these people. Some of them I do not know beyond the confines of social media, but most of them I do know in real life.
They are all very different, but they are all the same in that they follow their dream, they stay true to their mission, and they have dove into the void of uncertainty because they rejected the fate of the American Conveyor Belt. They are true revolutionaries.
A revolutionary is simply someone who chooses to create their own reality, has a dream, and decides to execute on that dream. Our society is so heavily favored toward those who conform. Those who do not? Well, your path will be so much more difficult, this much we can guarantee. But the rewards if you do not give up? They come at a cost, but I can’t imagine it any other way. And we NEED people who do this, because these are the very people who are going to be the ones who can help save humanity from the current “full tilt tyranny” trajectory it is on.
So I am writing to let you guys know about “Let Em Know”, a song and music video showcasing freedom fighters and revolutionaries and those true to themselves, because honestly, humanity has been through SO MUCH SHIT, and guess what, we’re all still here and still alive, so we might as well take some time to gas eachother up and showcase all the unique things we are all doing to the good, in spite of all the chaos and doom and gloom we’re all bombarded with day in and day out. It aint all bad, i’ll tell you that much!
So I wanted to let the people on this substack know first. If you guys want to, which would help get this message out and this ultimate VIBE out tremendously, you can pre-save the song on Spotify, and you can also subscribe to my YouTube Channel where the premiere of this video will be, using this link below.
The whole goal of this… is just to hold a mirror up to people with these lyrics. To let them find themselves there. To give the people who could use a bit of a wake-up call to their true power that call, to give people who might be struggling with doubt that extra boost of confidence, because the truth is, we are all SO MUCH more powerful than we have EVER been led to believe.. and it’s time for that to change.
Once a song is released, I have no control over it. It takes on its own life. My prayer for that, once it takes flight? That it finds everyone who needs it. That it finds everyone who is meant to wake people up, and wakes them up to that purpose, whatever that looks like. That everyone gets to appreciate who they are, and the people they share this planet with. Maybe, it can be something that helps us all awaken in the dream, as they say.
Anyway, love yall, and here is the link if you’d like to pre-save. It helps a ton. The song comes out Friday, March 31st on all platforms. Love yall. Here you go! Pre-Save At This LINK!
ooh and i’ll share the cool cover art I made of course with the pirate flag lol. xo