I grew up on the west coast. I’m used to what normal fires are, and I know what normal fires are not.
I’m not here to convince anyone of Geoengineering - if you don’t know what that is, you have a lot of catching up to do. Start with going to www.geoengineeringwatch.org or watch the documentary The Dimming or the documentary Frankenskies.
I’m going to make this brief because I’m at home sick today and have been since sick since Monday. Energy has to go somewhere but it is limited due to said illness.
First order of business:
If you have loved ones in the Los Angeles area, please contact them.
I have people on the edges of LA County (San Gabriel Valley, near Pomona) and the fires are now close to them, which I did not expect.
They have ZERO percent containment and winds up to 100 MPH so trust me, this shit moves fast.
Below is an image my friend sent me when he was driving this morning - meaning after the sun had risen.
He obviously got the hell out of there, but this is what that looked like:
The friend who sent this to me was my roommate when I first moved to LA. I remember that freeway and I even recognize the hillside.
Second order of business:
I tapped in with a livestream on youtube about the situation. This is the channel:
Obviously, very dumb.
However, I wanted to join the live chat. You had to to be a subscriber, so I subscribed so I could start sending people to GeoEngineeringWatch.Org and say as many things as I could along those lines.
Yes, it looks like shit posting, but if you look at what was being said in there, this is nuts.
It was a bunch of people almost gloating that California was on fire. Making stupid political jabs, just really sociopathic shit. I remember the types, because when Helene and Milton came through Florida and the Southeast, the exact same shit was happening.
These parasitic vacuums we call “humans” coming out from every rotten rock under the dimmed Sun to revel in the chaos and destruction of people who actually have lives.
I digress.
Never is it okay to ever do that, just so we’re clear. You will understand that on a level you wish you didn’t when it’s your turn to go through it, and at the rate we’re going, everyone will get their turn.
The geoengineering, cloud seeding, solar radiation management programs, chemtrails, HAARP, all of these programs need to cease immediately, it is destroying our planet and our health.
Planes should be “removed” from the sky when seen doing this. They are spraying shit that is KILLING YOU.
Then there’s also the inevitable cycle we’re approaching, which is, the pole of the Earth IS indeed shifting, and the Sun is in a solar maximum cycle, so with the weakening of the Earth’s magnetic sphere (part of the cycle before a pole shift) plus a solar maximum cycle - well:
People can either prepare together or we’re left with these beyond futile attempts to slow it down via spraying toxic/lethal chemicals in the sky every day that is actually worsening the issue and speeding things along; it is also a method of warfare.
Look all of this shit up yourself. There’s a paper trail going back more than 100 years.
When I began to post things about what was causing this, a few things happened:
Absolutely NO ONE was interested in what was causing this, what they REALLY wanted to do was talk shit about Californians and who voted for who.
Let it be known that it doesn’t matter what state is on fire, people will talk shit about who they assume lives there. They did the exact same thing for FIVE states in the southeast, two of which are still incredibly fucked up from Helene and now enduring a chemical flash freeze.
SUDDENLY - things started seeming real DEW. I saw cars that were damn near incinerated - exact same thing as Maui. Yet the palm trees next to them still had their foliage!? The speed sign on the road still stood and looked unscathed and an AMERICAN FLAG was still intact?? The cameras zoomed in on that to say how INSPIRING it was to see the flag still intact… right next to an incinerated vehicle from “fires”.
I pointed that out immediately. No one wanted to hear it, because people are retarded and want to be recognized for their shitpost “zingers” - this is what social media has done to us. Or rather, what we’ve allowed to happen to ourselves. The only thing that chat started filling up with was “wow, there’s an American flag in California?”
At that point I clicked off the live chat - no point in putting energy toward that, they’re all retarded. Somatic. Donezo. Gone.
Third and Final Order of Business
We’re using bullet points now because I’m tired and need to go back to bed
HOPE IS NOT LOST - don’t be a dumbass!
Watch the livestream with my friend Billy Bond from Perma Pastures Farm and Dane Wigington from GeoEngineering Watch - they did it last night. They talked about what we the people can do now.
Dane found Stoicism at an early age and said it’s helped him a lot. When faced with the question of, “if its really this bad, shouldn’t we all just give up? what’s the point?” he said NO! The stoics would say: “It is better to die 1000 deaths than to desert the post of which your Maker has placed you” - we’re all here for a reason. We are here to evolve and participate, NOT avoid!
As Billy said last night, you’re either an Activist or an INactivist, but if you’re alive you’re involved either way!
Here’s their livestream from last night:
If you haven’t seen it yet, this is Dane Wigington’s documentary, The Dimming:
And this is Frankenskies:
Alright everybody, I’m outta here.
I got sick for the first time in 3 years. It is likely due to me performing on Saturday at an event that was outdoors — the closer we got to midnight, the closer the temperature dipped to 45 degrees (Fahrenheit, for the people not in the US here).
I live in Southwest Florida, so that is batshit insane freezing. We had a fire pit and some of those heater lamps, but still, it was really cold.
So, likely that.
HOWEVER - that creepy mystery fog did roll in 6 days prior.
I’m gonna call it the DARPA Fog until further notice.
It was NOT normal fog at all. But I will let you share your own experiences with it if you’ve seen it - otherwise, carry on.
P.S. No internet on JANUARY 12th — this is still on. I’ve heard from people all over the US, Canada and the UK. If you haven’t already, comment if you’re taking part.
The jabs, the air, the food, the fires, the quakes
Obfuscation, with smoke and fakes
Honey don't this really take the cake....?
Still gold in those hills, hot tongues of gold...
Still money to make., the future sold...
Still on for Jan 12.
As for the rest, I’d rather remain poised to see what I can concretely do.