Dystopian Nightmare: Healing or Revenge?
I'm going to share what I saw last night in a hospital.
Dystopian Nightmare: Healing or Revenge?
I’m going to share what I saw last night in a hospital. As far as backstory of this collective, global scenario, if you know, you know. I do not have the time or energy to explain it to someone who has been asleep their entire lives. The time has passed for that.
It’s already here, the automation of society, but as someone who has much experience with both hospitals, jails, and things that are supposed to be correctional facilities, but are privately owned and are actually black sites for abuse, I know when an “institution” has gone south. I know the difference between humanity and profit, I know the difference between competent people and mindless ghosts.
I also understand word magick and subtlety for the purpose of social conditioning & control
more than I wish I did. So let’s proceed.
Second time in the emergency room. This time it was mostly due to a severe health issue with my own body. I despise hospitals and western medicine, but that is beside the point. I wouldn’t go to a hospital unless I thought it was a life or death scenario.
Still no answers, but what disturbed me is what I saw in there, and this is not the first time.
Where I live, which is a city, every emergency room now has metal detectors and armed guards. Every hospital or even doctors office is littered with verbiage like “patient COMPLIANCE” and you are constantly bombarded with the propaganda of a man-made virus, whose man-made “solution” was far more deadly and continues to result in far more casualties and destruction.
Let’s talk about the people who work there.
First off, you are treated like cattle as soon as you approach the metal detector.
The last time I took someone to the ER, when they were having an anaphylactic reaction to a medication a doctor gave them, the security guard waited for the sick person to go through first.
He then stepped in front of me, blocking me as I attempted to follow the person I brought to the hospital.
As soon as the other person was ushered through and thrown in to an emergency room that was filled with - not sick people, but being used as a makeshift homeless shelter where drugs were being sold out in the open - I was blocked and told that I could not go in, due to overcrowding.
It wouldn’t have been so fucking crowded if they weren’t using it as a homeless shelter. That’s what homeless shelters are for, you cheap fucks.
I tried getting past the guard multiple ways, but I knew if I pushed any harder, the person I took there might die, because we’d both be thrown out.
There are no words to describe some smirking $15/hour power tripping house slave (yes I said it, the peasants who police the peasants are house slaves, everyone is a slave if you are part of the system - this is not a racial remark whatsoever. This is a fucking fact. Try not paying taxes and see how fast you get put into a box for a longer sentence than a rapist or child molester would ever get)
- back to what I”m saying, there are no words to describe what some piece of shit smiling in your face as he separates you and someone you love who is so fucked up and sick that they can’t even speak or think for themselves feels like.
You realize how unbelievably powerless you are in this system. The only option I had was violence or compliance.
My instinct wanted violence. But I knew if I chose that, the person I brought to the hospital would not be seen and their reaction to this drug (that the very system we had to bring him to had given him) would kill him. So I had to back down and do what I was told, by someone with no actual authority, but let’s be real, city cops don’t show up for civilians anymore, they show up for private interests - hospitals are a private interest. If he calls them, they’ll be there in five minutes. And the hospital will absolutely let that patient die, because someone didn’t comply.
So I had to leave the ER due to “overflow”, and go into the “overflow waiting room” in a completely different part of the hospital to wait. I was lied to and told someone would come get me once the patient had been put into a room. That never happened. A lot of other things did, but that place was run with about the same amount of disdain for human life as the more seedy county jails in this country are.
It wasn’t just the guy at the front door. It was everything I saw during those hours I waited, and from what I heard from the person who went in there to receive treatment, well, let’s just say it was bad enough to when most of the symptoms wore off from the anaphylaxis reaction due to a medication they gave him to reverse it, he pulled his IV out and walked out.
I was horrified at this experience. I was also terrified that the person I brought had pulled his IV out and AMA’d - which I now find amusing, because I did the same thing last night.
AMA - Against Medical Advice. Laughable.
I have never had as much rage for a group of people as I do those in the medical industry. Never.
Much of this stems from experiences that go back as far as early childhood, which I need not get into on this post.
What was their advice? For this individual to be held for 24 hours under observation and “potentially” given more injections to reverse an allergic reaction that had already been calmed down.
The person also had no health insurance, and also has a job - this really makes you feel like a slave, when you can’t even wait around in a hospital for adequate care because you financially can’t afford to, and your employer is so ruthless that you will legitimately LOSE your job regardless of reason if you don’t show up to do some bullshit task that you’re making breadcrumb compensation for. On top of that, the federal government takes a third, with no explanation or consent.
Life in the big city.
Or mostly everywhere, in this country at least.
Anyway, back to last night.
Same weird shit. Different ER. Metal detectors, armed private police, being searched, what the fuck.
Incompetent staff. Don’t listen. Constantly have to repeat self. It’s like talking to a robot.
Then they put you in a room and wheel in an actual robot, which I had never seen before.
A lady who looks like the hunchback of Notre dam with two black eyes shuffles in with a machine, she says “you need to do your registration”, places a machine with a screen (and a convenient chip reader for your credit card) infant of your face and shuffles out.
The machine starts talking. Apparently it’s a person. Definitely not one who works at the hospital though.
They want all your info. I am well aware what they do and DO NOT need, so I say no to mostly everything.
They want you to sign a bunch of CONSENT forms. I’m in the habit of reading fine print now. So I read it.
They want me to consent to having non-FDA approved medications used on me (not that FDA approval means fuckall, but also fuck no) they also want me to consent to their undisclosed usage of any “biological samples” of mine that are left behind, meaning if they draw blood, do a urine test, or do literally anything with my body, as soon as I walk out that door, they own it, and can use it for “experiments”. Of course, their answer is “to help us learn to make vaccines to fight against future outbreaks of viruses and infectious diseases!” Fuck off entirely. No.
Then they wanted me to consent to “any third party” inquiring about my medical records or hospital visits. Absolutely not. If I want someone to know shit, I’ll tell them. The last thing I need to be doing is signing away MORE privacy rights to any undisclosed “authority” - isn’t it funny that these “third parties” that might “inquire” about my medical records are given more anonymity than the person being asked to give away their fucking anonymity? Anyway, hard pass. No.
So I didn’t consent to or sign any of that shit. Typical jargon through the machine about how the coronavirus bla bla bla blaaaaa and then the hunchback of Notre dam came back in and just randomly took the machine away as whatever dude who was on the other end of it continued to talk.
Apparently that was enough.
Then the shit show of a staff comes in, no answers, then I’m told to wait. Hours go by. The realities of life call. It’s nearly 4 AM. I work. The person who was with me also works. THAT DAY. If all we are doing is waiting on lab results, why the fuck are we still there? How about you just call us or we call you when they’re done? Why do we have to sit here and wait? Because yall can bill more money for a longer hospital stay? Because you want to avoid any liability should something seriously be wrong and we leave before being told? Likely both, but either way, it’s all business, and if I don’t get sleep and have to go back to a job that already drains the fuck out of me, I have an even bigger problem, so fuck you.
I say fuck this and remove my IV and walk out. That caused quite a reaction from the police and nurses.
I was peaceful, non aggressive, I just wanted to go home. They mentioned the IV and I said it’s already out, which seemed to upset them. How dare I remove a needle that wasn’t doing shit and was actually making me nauseous ever since she put it in my arm! How dare I have the audacity to make a decision for my own body while inside of a hospital! Didn’t those people spend a couple years snorting adderal in an indoctrination center to be able to say they’re qualified to tell me what to do?! OMGGGGG.
They want you to believe you don’t own your body. They want you to believe they have higher authority of what your body needs than you do. It’s really not that hard to remove a fucking IV. Slowly slide it out and press gauze over the injection site. Voila.
There was no medical reason for that thing to be in my arm, the only reason why it was in is because they drew blood for bloodwork. Why was it still in my arm for hours? It wasn’t hooked up to saline or literally anything.
Some may think this is crazy and some may get it. I don’t care. I told the nurse why I was leaving and I asked her if I could get my results by phone. She lied and said YES.
This morning I called and went to get my medical records, but because I left “against medical advice”, they refused to give them to me. Which isn’t even fucking legal. But hey, unless you have more money than a hospital, try going to court against those motherfuckers lmfaooo.
So you resort to other tactics. I found another way to get most of them. Then I had to have someone else who is an actual doctor, not a fucking idiot who went to “repeat after me nursing school” for a couple years, sponsored by the Rockefeller foundation nonetheless, (well doctors did the same shit too lets be honest, fuck the entire industry) but I had to have someone else read it and break it down for me. Cool.
We left the ER, it’s 4 AM, I’m literally still in my work clothes from that nights shift, only to go to bed to barely sleep. On our way out and back home, I drove by a convenience store/gas station… I think it was MAAPCO.
That was the first time I had a security camera TALK TO ME.
We were in the car on the street, NOT in the parking lot.
It had those LED blue facial recognition lights that have now gone up everywhere because, ya know, smart cities.
Those lights can also be used as weapons if they are turned up high enough FYI. That’s common knowledge to anyone whose done ten minutes of research on them.
Anyway, these cameras had multiple additional cameras attached to them and multiple blue lights scanning the area. The camera machine then said on a fucking loud speaker:
I can’t remember what else it said. I just remember it was loud. Eerily clearly spoken, it sounds exactly like those drones China used to lock their citizens down and give them demands/instructions through their welded shut doors, except it spoke in English. Same technology. Also it was really fucking eerie because literally no one was around. We weren’t even in a “bad neighborhood”. It wasn’t an affluent area either, it was just some basic shit.
It’s hard to explain it with words. Being there, seeing it, hearing it, right after the ER, with the backdrop of a completely SILENT concrete artificial world that is increasingly feeling like more of a prison by the day, was bone chilling.
Of course I know of the agenda. But to see that it is already here is completely different than doing research and listening to the plans of these psychopaths that congregate in places like Davos.
We have to get the fuck out of the city. Now.
That’s been the plan for some time. But I don’t think there is more time left.
Everything flashed before my eyes.
Does this mean I should abandon music? Does this mean I should abandon everything?
What about finding real health and medical?
Do I need to learn herbalism and other skills so I can help myself and others survive?
Clearly somebody fucking has to.
“Medicine” certainly isn’t anywhere NEAR a “medical doctor” or “hospital”, those feel more like county jails to me than anything. The people couldn’t be more incompetent either, the nurses were all congregated in their stations scrolling TikTok while a fucking robot tried to do my intake and take my money and personal information.
This isn’t the only increased indicator of dystopia. I’m seeing it at the workplace. I’m seeing it in legal jargon and endless waivers and shit everyone wants you to sign at every fucking turn just to participate in a society you don’t even want to be in. However they make it much harder to get out.
But not impossible.
An opportunity recently arose. I don’t know if it will work out. But getting into a mobile living situation and getting off the grid, given the appropriate cooperation between the people involved, is now on the table.
If this happens, it will be happening very soon.
So now we come down to the real shit.
You can have all the money and resources in the world. You can even have a LITTLE. What is the magic ingredient that makes it work?
Cooperation. Respect. Collaboration. Harmony. BETWEEN PEOPLE.
How do you get that?
You’ve gotta have that dynamic with yourself if you’re gonna have it with anyone else. Granted, there are some lessons that can only be learned while IN relationship to others. Those are fun. But this is where the title comes in.
Healing, or vengeance?
I really wish this post was set to private/subscribers only but I want this to actually reach everybody on the mailing list. So because of that, I cannot speak freely, as this article will additionally be available to anyone who looks it up, meaning people not on the mailing list, and I don’t know who those people may be.
Vengeance. It breeds a complex without a doubt. The desire for it is alive and well within me and everyone else, if you doubt that it lives in you, you’re playing yourself stupidly.
That weird little passive aggressive urge you have to be right, to have an upper hand in a power dynamic, to react to a stranger that somehow triggers you and you think you need to teach a lesson to? The list goes on, these are all things that stem from the desire for vengeance, the desire for JUSTICE, and typically the scenarios we act this out in… have nothing to do with the root cause of where this comes from in us. They only represent reminders of it to us… and we wind up living in a house of mirrors, thinking we’re looking out a window.
I am extremely broken hearted in this moment. For many reasons. A lot of it has to do with the evil that has been, and IS continuing to be done, on all peoples of this earth, on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry, private interest groups, the fucking list goes on. The scamdemic, the poison inoculations / human EXPERIMENTS …. where most participants didn’t even know they were in an experiment … I see the fallout from this on a regular basis STILL. And I don’t see that slowing down at all.
It is one of the biggest crimes against humanity I have ever fucking seen, and it makes you even crazier because so many people REFUSE to see it, or simply can’t. Those of us who do? The consequences keep stacking.
Non-action fucks with you. Exiting and building is great, but what the fuck. How many people do you know that are dead from this? I know a lot. I’m just supposed to be some subdued cattle and not avenge their deaths? Just fall in line so I can show up to work for a multi-billion dollar corporation for a generous wage of SEVEN dollars a fucking hour?
Then there’s the other part.
Healing is a form of vengeance, or rather justice. If you can learn even more about healing, like how to heal sick and poisoned bodies and minds, that makes you way more of an asset, as opposed to going the route of … something I can’t type on the internet or say near any electronic devices.
Of course the shiny pretty answer is healing. It’s easy to say when you aren’t exhausted, sleep and food and sanity deprived, and aren’t becoming more and more aware by the second to just how much of a fucking house of cards you live in, and to just how much of a scam is being run on literally everyone at all times.
It’s one thing to see it in yourself and your own life. But to watch other people in your life suffer because of it, that hits WAY different.
So it’s hard. Vengeance or healing? Either way, something gets done. Are they both the same thing? Depending on how they are executed, yeah.
But also maybe not.
My opportunity to exit the system came along with the arrival of some new relationships in my life. Did these situations light up my life and make me feel like there was hope in being alive again? Absolutely.
Do these situations also pose challenges, painful scenarios, and a wide display of the amount of unresolved trauma in the psyche of likely every human being on this planet right now? Absolutely.
Do I trust this situation? Honestly, I don’t know.
This is where I cut to paid subscribers only. I need to say this, but I do not need to say it publicly. If you are a free subscriber, thank you for reading. If you are a patron, we’ll finish off with this last bit of… thought.
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