Hello, friends. Sometimes things get mighty strange and I just couldn’t help myself here.
I stumbled across Evidence that YHWH was a dragon - linked from the post on The Origin of Genesis that
wrote here on Substack.If you’re a paid subscriber to Greg’s Substack, being that this post is paywalled, this is that post. Highly recommend it.
I fought the urge to send it to friends when I found it, due to how may are feeling “out of sorts” due to the eve of the eclipse, having just had another eclipse two weeks ago, and also, everything going on in the world. All are connected, as is everything that isn’t an absolute… and I question if that truly exists, being that the meaning of absolute is “no relating”.
Before I get started about Yahweh, the Sumerians, the Anunnaki, strange synchronicities and how I chose to channel the confusion musically, a bit on the lunar eclipse:
This is a common time for de-railing in a persons life. But the ultimate purpose, if one allows for some allowing, is to re-route your life toward your path of fulfillment/Dharma. It is not just crisis, change, chaos, or abrupt shocking events for the sake of elevated heart rates.
If you’re already on the path of why your soul incarnated here, these times are likely easier to navigate than those who are not, or who may need a little course correcting in certain areas.
I heard Yahweh was a dragon.
Are you familiar with the Anunnaki? I became familiar with them as a younger person, when DMT was introduced to me. I was warned, when traveling into other dimensions using DMT, specifically about them. I was told where they came from and their anger and disdain toward running into humans in areas where we “shouldn’t be”, but it ended there… for the time being.
Heard of Enki and Enlil from the Sumerian texts? These are older than the Bible. Their father, named Anu? They allegedly created humans, the first, a man, Adamu…. sound familiar? They also were brought to a place called Eden?
Remember the reference to the Egyptian God of the afterlife, Anubis? Just a side note there but,
The creation story from the Sumerian tablets is strikingly similar to the story of Genesis in the Old Testament.
Shit gets even weirder if you delve into the book of Enoch, and I’m not trying to make a case for any of this, (I highly suggest watching Greg’s video for actual connecting of dots) as ultimately I believe:
We do not know the true vibration of the name for that which we call God. I think it’s reasonable to want to know (I do) and to want to know where we came from. However, I don’t think that answer is found in any book or by any explanation — it comes from experience with that power itself. That is how I know there is something MUCH bigger than “us” here, and also, we are inherently connected to it- we cannot be removed from it.
But here’s the Yahweh or YHWH situation:
The description of Yahweh in the Old Testament actually does sound like someone who is describing a dragon. The Anunnaki were described in similar fashion. The symbology, especially those describing “winged serpents” can be found everywhere in relation to gods. Then there’s the whole “Reptilian Overlord” theory.
The book of Exodus tells us that YHWH required a massive portable tent, known as a tabernacle, and for 440 years, this massive tent was YHWH’s earthly home. The people would deliver livestock as a sacrifice on a daily basis, and when the door to the tent was opened, thick plumes of smoke would appear.
In the Book of Numbers, by order of YHWH, Moses commanded the murder of women (non-virgins) and children, and after their plunder, 32 virgins were delivered to YHWH, as well as 420 lbs of gold, and YHWHs permanent home was in a mountain.
This is the story of the dragon, both the ancient Aztecs and Japanese were said to have sacrificed virgins to dragon gods. European folklore tells us that virgins were used as currency when trading with a dragon.
Dragons loved gold, and lived in mountains. Nearly every indigenous culture on earth says that they were created by a race of god-like reptilians, most often described as serpent gods, or dragons. The Chinese zodiac dates back over 2000 years, and includes common animals of our time, as well as a dragon.
Even “raising ones kundalini” is described with the imagery of two serpents going up the spine and up to the pineal gland. Initiates of Isis were said to have worn gold serpent bracelets. Also, ever seen a caduceus? The thing in front of every hospital?
Staff of Hermes, Alchemical symbol/key/path to the Serpent, freemason symbology, you get it.
That’s the one you’ll see associated with medical facilities ^^.
In the youtube video above I linked, he references a portion in the Bible where YHWH instructed an idol of a serpent to be made, among a lot of other really strange shit.
Moving on:
This had me lit up for some personal reasons and some obvious. I started seeing the connection to serpent/winged serpent/dragon symbology everywhere. I also had a strange thing happen when I was asked to visualize something earlier this week—
In the vision, where I was actively focusing on compartmentalizing painful things until a later time, a dragon showed up and welded the box shut by breathing fire onto it. This was random, unprompted, unguided, I was doing this in silence, and had zero intention of making that happen. I found that pretty badass, but also strange, as I have had no particular fascination or inclination toward dragons in my life.
Then, a few days later, I became acquainted with someone whose name I am not going to mention, but their professional abbreviation plus their last name is literally Dragon except there’s two extra letters.
I thought whoa, synchronicity, okay.
Then I came across Greg’s post about the YHWH/Dragon theory. I was recently exposed to Yahweh, and Christianity, in my prior time living in Tennessee. I had A LOT of questions, for God, for myself, for my Pastor, for everyone — especially surrounding Yahweh, due to his temperament, and wanting to understand the difference between him and Elohim, and the reference to Elohim allocating different territories to multiple sons/gods, Yahweh being one of several. YHWH is the one who was allegedly given the land of Jacob, which was then changed to be called Israel.
Is-Ra-El? or Y’ishrael? Egyptian or Hebrew? Very different meanings. See why I decided to stop with the rabbit hole and just have a direct experience? Because this will never end, so let’s get to where we’re going:
I do know that the consciousness of Yeshua, Yahweh, Holy Spirit / Isis / Cosmic Mother exists because I have experience with those energies, and in my experience, they are different. Yahweh does not feel the same as Yeshua. The feminine side or Isis, that is also somewhat different, but comparable to Yeshua. Yahweh always felt different to me.
Do I believe any of those above mentioned names are the ULTIMATE ABSOLUTE? No. That I do not know the name of. And I don’t think it has a personality attributed to it. I think it’s something so much bigger that I wouldn’t dare speak on it, other than what I’ve written from my kundalini yoga / meditation experiences in touching “The Constant” or “Love” or “That Which Lives On”. That I cannot pass on with language, nor should I try. It is for all to experience.
Something about “this type of stuff” gets me so amped that I almost can’t let it go, it’s very strange. So, I picked up my guitar….
For those of you who only know me through this substack app as a writer, I am also a singer/lyricist/musician, and have been for years. However, playing acoustic instruments is new to me, it is a huge fkng deal. I typically make music to electronically produced instrumentals, in the alternative hip-hop and r&b genres. Now I am taking things into my own hands, literally, and I’m delving into the other side of my musical roots: Blues.
I began to play, and made a song that quite simply was titled, “I Heard Yahweh Was A Dragon”
This went on for a glorious while — the flow state does not adhere to time. I freestyled the lyrics and let everything flow out, from my hesitancy toward trusting “what has been written” knowing freemasons have been scribes for this text, knowing humans manipulate literally everything they touch, knowing my experience tells me something very different than “obey or burn in hell” but at the same time, there’s some valid stuff in there too, I got out my feelings, pain, and even gratitude for YHWH, because regardless of all this, I’ve still had my own experiences when calling upon and praying to that name.
And a dragon showing up to weld shut a box full of things that represent some of my greatest agony in this life? Then stumbling across all this? I forgot to tell you, I have ZERO idea why I just found that post Greg Reese made… because I looked at the date when I watched it again today. It was from March 2023. Nearly 8 months ago. I just now saw it, a few days after a dragon showed up in a vision/meditation?
I told someone about this tonight, and then….
They shared a very interesting, strange as fuck dragon related story that had come up for them while they were out tonight too. This article is getting long so I’m not going to get into that, plus it’s not my story to tell, but needless to say, we were both like, “what the fuck is happening with dragons right now”
On top of that, I mean all eclipses happen on the moons nodes, but the nodes are referred to as Rahu and Ketu, the tail and head of the Dragon.
This eclipse tomorrow is happening on Rahu, the dragon’s head. I won’t get into all that on an astrology level, but in Vedic / Ancient astrology, Rahu and Ketu are fated points in the sky and in one’s chart, and have incredible significance. I even remember a dragon statue in the garden of a mystic I loved and miss very much, who held ceremonies and sacred fires and gatherings of all sorts for many beautiful people under every new and full moon.
This feels personal and slightly unhinged to put out there, and I don’t know if I will…
but this is all very interesting and if you do read this, I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.
I’m also very proud, because tonight was the first night that I got “lost in time” with the guitar.
I must have freestyled and jammed on this thing for… lord knows how long.
From a technical standpoint, i don’t even know how to play the guitar yet. I just started.
But i found myself working with just one chord that I moved around, being able to sing while having a rhythmic strumming pattern and then instinctually found myself using my hand as percussion on the body of the guitar in between chords, so i just made my own song and beat on an instrument i allegedly don’t know how to play yet.
That is the most beautiful thing.
So, I heard yahweh was a dragon, I wrote a song about it, and now I’m writing on here.
The eclipse energy is wild as fuck.
Who knows what’s what and whose who. this life is full of wonder and trippy shit. It’s fun to examine and go down rabbit holes from time to time, but ultimately, I like to let experience be the guide, and getting to channel ones confusion about God / gods musically is a fucking GIFT.
Connecting with MFs on substack is another one. Love y’all. I’m not doing social media right now but I am on this website here cuz I love writing and I love reading the works of others. So whoever you are reading this, thank you.
Love & Trippy Shit Lunar Eclipse Vibes! Y’all love one another ya hear?
Love is All.