Wouldn’t it be hilarious if God pulled up and was like:
“Hey, you little Divine dipshits, I bet you’re wondering why relationships are so messy here on Earth!
Well, I’ve put the two of you together for a reason.
Before I tell you the reason, first I have some questions:
Your experience in relationships keeps getting messier. Each time you enter another toxic cycle, it is far more severe than the last. Same nightmare, different face. Did you ever ask yourself why?
Did you ever wonder if maybe you were going in the wrong direction? If so, where do you think you were being redirected toward?
Have you realized yet that you attract what you are, not what you want? Even in seemingly opposite pairs, you both have the same motives underneath. Have you examined them? No, not theirs— yours!
Guess what? I keep giving you opportunities to have this revelation:
You get angry when you are mistreated, why do you think that is? Is it because you know you deserve better?
You would be correct.
Yet if that is the case, why do you stay?
The real anger comes from you wishing you could love yourself the way you deserve to be loved. Of course you’re angry, you can’t find that from the people you’re being paired with, because they don’t know how to love themselves either!
The real anger comes from you wishing you could truly value yourself and see yourself for 100% of who you are, have confidence in that, and honor and uplift yourself. Of course you feel defeated, other people who also don’t have confidence in themselves tend to tear themselves down mentally. We can only treat people the way we treat ourselves in the end. So if they can’t do that for themselves, they certainly can’t for you. Even if they want to.
The real anger comes from never finding anyone who can mirror back what you desire to see within yourself. How could it? A reflection is a reflection.. you’re looking for the real thing. That’s like walking into a restaurant and thinking reading the menu will ease your hunger, never ordering anything, then wondering why your stomach is growling.
The real anger comes from looking toward outside sources to do an inside job.
I imagine that must be very frustrating, because no outside source can ever do an inside job.
Did it ever occur to you that you’ve been trying to get other people to do this work for you your entire life?
And that’s why this shit keeps happening?
I keep sending you people EXACTLY like you, so you both can learn. There might be differences on the surface, you might think you’re nothing like them, but deep down, you are both using one another to numb the pain of your loneliness, your shame, your confusion, or your sense of feeling outright lost in this life.
When you come together, you magnify what you have within. Not what you SAY you have, but what you truly have. That is why these dynamics are such dumpster fires.
I keep sending you more severe situations, because your situation is becoming more severe.
You have much less of a leash, or rather time, to get this stuff sorted out within yourself than you did when you were a teenager.
You came here to remember who you are and embody that to the maximum, that is where your Destiny lies, along with all the answers to your questions about this life.
Everything you seek lies within that state of consciousness, and you cannot get there with the baggage of shame, isolation, loneliness, emptiness, insecurity, various unresolved issues from your past that lead you to become a hungry ghost. However… resolving these issues is how you get there. See how I did that?
There is nothing in this life that ISN’T medicine.
These situations keep getting worse to DETER YOU from them… I don’t know how your pain tolerances have gotten to be where they’re at. Must be them damn pharmaceuticals. But anyway…
You are supposed to realize that you’ve been trying to outsource your job of knowing thyself — and to THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE — the real self, not the falsehoods.
You cannot fix, love, manipulate, entice, seduce, or charm another individual into becoming your personal savior. That is your job. Yes, the lifting is heavy. I know why you don’t want to do it. Now imagine you’re asking someone who won’t do the heavy lifting for themselves either, to now do it for both themselves AND you!
This is the insanity of what is going on here.
It feels personal, because it hurts. Disappointment hurts. Shattered expectations hurt. Betrayals hurt. Delusions hurt.
But Love does not hurt.
Many of you have still felt Love in these dynamics. Be careful in attaching that toward the person. Love is a state of consciousness, an energy, a Force in all of creation. You have the ability to channel it, feel it, give it, and receive it. But do not think it is contained and sealed and restricted inside one human being or another, it is not.
You may have found glimpses of what you call God in one another. Rightfully so. But do not get this confused with the end all be all. Let it be a reminder that you are all Divine dipshits, and to not take things too personally. Let it especially be a reminder to never dehumanize one another… because that which you call God IS inside all of you.
You are not meant to drink from someone else’s cup when you already have your own inside you. You have your own for a reason. It is yours to have in this lifetime. It is yours to experience, and yours to pour from.
Why are you all trying to take each others cups? Have you forgotten what you have inside you? Have you forgotten why you came here?
Remember who you are.
When you return to who you are, the people who start coming your way will reflect that. You won’t be in these cycles of resentment and heartbreak anymore, because when you are in accordance and alignment with Truth… so will be everything that moves to and from you.
It’s an entirely different ballgame… and we’ll speak again when you arrive.”
- God
That’d be hilarious if that happened. Just a shower thought! 😉
This song hits different after digesting that, I hope you enjoy what NuBorne and I came together to create:
This! Just what I needed!! Thank you!
You best post to date!