Yes, the patents are circulating regarding remote radio wave technology to manipulate human cells / the nanotechnology therein. If you feel as though you’d like to see such things for yourself, you can do so here. This is coming from the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The patent belongs to the Rockefeller Foundation. However…. this is not what I am here to discuss. Join my telegram if you want to get in on that.
Yes, FEMA frequency shit, many people noticed weird stuff, I absolutely did, including physical symptoms that are not ones you can “make up”. Meaning I can’t make my menstrual cycle start two weeks before it’s supposed to, and that just coincidentally happened right at the time of the alert. I figured, maybe it’s a coincidence.. but I spoke to several other women who experienced the same thing afterward. This is all I will say on the matter, because…
Yeah a lot of us weren’t feeling so great, and a lot of people are scared. There is undoubtedly poisonous and nefarious things going on in this world that we are affected by on subtle levels each day, and these things compound and turn into what we call … most diseases that are common in the US, both physical and psychiatric, I’d imagine. Anyway..
There is a solution.
There are likely many solutions, but I can only talk to you about what I know to work through direct experience. I’m not here to preach or pontificate.
I read the patent. Things started to click, like why the fuck was it SO hot outside but the dog we were walking wasn’t bothered by the pavement, I bent down to check the pavement, because how could she possibly be walking on the pavement and it be this hot out? The pavement wasn’t even hot. That’s not possible when the sun feels like its 110. It was warm, sure, but it wasn’t even close to hot. I could have walked barefoot on it. (That comment will make sense if you read the patent, but otherwise, dismiss it- just weird shit regarding the manipulation of temperatures while using frequencies to manipulate humans etc. — meaning the heat wasn’t natural, just like those DEWs weren’t wildfires.)
So that’s weird, but let’s get into the breaking free from not only our own personal fuckshit, but also this FEMA / frequency war tomfoolery here.
I knew I needed to rest, which is a gift I am so grateful for. I am a chronic do-er and busy-person, whatever, workaholic someone once called me? Relentless? Obsessive? Feelings can’t hit a moving target? Yeah, that type.
However, preoccupation does not equal productivity, and sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is literally nothing.
My body has been calling for this for a host of reasons, if you’ve been keeping up with this substack, especially this last post where I got into some pretty heavy shit, you know why.
I knew I could finally rest too. Relocation is settled. New job is locked in, and it’s a better opportunity than I’ve ever had in that respect, so big changes on the horizon. Creatively speaking, there is a huge *under wraps* situation that I will not discuss beyond saying that, but I say it because I have learned through experience, that if I am not rested enough, I will never do my best creative work. Trying to create from a place of survival mode and burnout has been futile at best, and I’m just glad I realize it now, no sense in regretting the past. I’m grateful for this quiet space, so here’s how I got here, amidst all this weird armageddon shit, plus personal crisis and such.
I went into my room and began a 90 minute Kundalini Yoga session. Led by Charlotte at Life Force Acadamy, this session blew me away — the whole set was not only focused on releasing anger and “hot” energy (think anything related to heat or the fire element in a health perspective, anger is one, but so is actual temperature heat, any kind of weird frequency weapon, inflammation in the body, etc.) but it was also specially targeting on detoxifying our liver.
This is one of the many reasons why Kundalini yoga is NOTHING like any kind of western yoga - the fact that you can assist your liver in its detoxification process through different postures and breathing patterns blows my mind. The fact that I could go from being so pent up with rage and heartbreak for the past few weeks (months) to where I couldn’t even cry, to doing certain Kriyas that had me feeling alllll the pain, to the point where my mind was begging me to stop and it felt like torture, but I pushed through it, and then exploded in tears—- multiple times??
That released sooooo much energetic weight, fog, density, static, pain, because it moved everything around and rebalanced my whole system. Spirit, emotional bodies, mental, physical body, auric, etheric—- according to Kundalini Yoga, each human has a 10 body system, the physical one I’m using to type this article is just one of them. A “Kriya” is a special kundalini yoga exercise/meditation that works all 10 bodies. This is also a good way to clear ones aura / arc line, which holds all of our mental baggage and karma, but it is also the beacon which we project into the universe.
So when we clear, brighten and expand this part of our energetic body, we attract abundance and miracles into our lives, among other things. It is also a shield and a defense against what many of us are affected by and what even more people have been very upset about.
I’m writing to you from a very different state of mind than when I started about two hours ago. I don’t know if I’ll release this tonight. I plan on resting, reading, eating, and playing my guitar.
I cannot wait to play this beautiful guitar. I’m so fucking happy about it. I will be singing the blues, and whatever else comes to mind. Not for anyone to see. I just want to adhere to that voice inside that is telling me to go dark, fuck off entirely, and allow myself to create — without thinking of anything else. To let myself OUT.
So, a bold statement was made in the title of this article. Immunity to frequency weapons with what, music, esoteric books and kundalini yoga?
I doubt the people of Maui would agree, but that was a way more fucking serious situation. Yeah, if satellites are burning down your city with DEWs, you gotta bounce, and do not EVER listen to or obey orders from anyone telling you to “stay in your zone” or “this road is closed” — you shoot your way the fuck out of there, or die trying. That’s my two cents. Take it or leave it. It’s only two cents… maybe three, adjusted for inflation.
So I’m not talking about that, becasue as far as I know, unless we figure out how to shoot those things out of the sky, or dismantle their communication networks and hijack their technology remotely (entirely possible), you can’t do shit. So that other topic, yeah, another time, and not on the internet.
But when we’re dealing with this shit… the same ole’ silent weapons for quiet wars. When people are acting strange. When you’re having weird ass symptoms. When you know, FEMA “new frequency” broadcast or not, there’s still all these weapon grids eveywhere around you (5G and now up to 10G if you have a wifi router in your house) so God knows what that is doing, but I noticed a huge difference in peoples cognitive abilities once they flipped 5G on. I remember very clearly.
So there’s all these things going on and I doubt they’ll let up, that is why I am saying this can make you immune:
I felt it all over me and even though I had an amazing morning, holy shit I felt like absolute GARBAGE around that time, and was in a lot of physical pain from suddenly getting my period two weeks early, with very abnormal cramping as well (no I did not take the jab).
The reason why I suggest Kundalini Yoga is because ALL OF IT is centered around FREQUENCY. We ourselves are dealing with weapons that are literal frequencies. Look at the fking patent if you don’t believe me, or if you think no one is that smart to figure that out. See HAARP and Nikola Tesla and all the covert operations in Antarctica if you want to do your own deep dive.
So this is a tremendous sheild. If you notice something else in your life that can flip your whole frequency the way that does, by all means DO THAT. That’s what I’m getting at here.
Music is another one for me, and writing is too, if you can’t tell.
However, sometimes when my brain gets so fogged, or if I’m in too much physical or emotional pain, I can’t get into a creative space.
I can, however, show up on the floor and do some Kundalini.
Once I do that, I can do the things like music, writing, reading, resting, or going out and being present in the collective. It’s how I tap into the flow state when it feels like the furthest thing from me. It’s one of the most regenerative things I’ve ever experienced, so I guess for that reason, I should make this post public because that’s kinda fucked up to share a solution to something this big and make you pay for it? But I’ve been writing a lot of free articles, so this is gonna stop soon just an FYI lol.
I went from anxiety, pain, confusion, low low low feeling…. to feeling free. To feeling safe. To feeling alright. To feeling gratitude, peace, compassion. All that rage had to come out for sure. And whatever those liver practices we did to aid in the detox… that provided an immediately noticable change in my body, as did several other meditations that are basicaly designed to de-pressurize your insides, they let out the steam, and they even get the poisonous pain out that is hiding underneath it.
There is no separation from the interaction between our physical, mental and spiritual health. Frequency is included in that, and we have our own frequencies, just like the big “they” have theirs.
If there’s ONE thing no one can take from you… it’s your soul. Your spirit.
So, these are some solutions.
Music, art, nature, exercise, friends, rest, all of these things are necessary to have a fulfilling life.. or rather, they make life awesome. But the Kundalini Yoga practice, for me, is something I can do when I can’t seem to connect to anything else— not even myself. Not even God. Sometimes when I pray, i feel scattered and I don’t feel like I am connecting. So I pray before I do yoga, and bring God into the session, and I am then able to connect.
I hope this makes sense, and more importantly, I hope someone reads it who is helped by it.
I know I’ve said this before, but the place I do kundalini yoga through is the Life Force Academy. You can do it from anywhere in the world, you don’t have to live where their studio is. Check them out. No, I am not affiliated with them. I just won’t send you to a place I haven’t checked out. This is a really powerful practice and I think great care should go into choosing who we learn it from. That is all.