If you could receive any gift or ability, what would it be— and why?
This was a question asked in a Substack thread by
. It’s an interesting thing to truly think about. The answer I came up with surprised me:What would I have?
The ability to believe in myself as much as I believe in others.
Also the ability to heal any mental or physical ailment would be incredible, especially people struggling with addiction and mental illness.
The reason for this is I've grown up around it, lost most people I love to it, and I barely escaped the fires of addiction myself.
Reason why that wasn't my first choice is... I've learned that sometimes trying to help someone is the worst thing you can do, if it is their path and karma to help themselves and grow through that alchemical fire.
I'd love to take away everyones pain... but I don't know that I have the right to do that. I've seen harm done when I've tried.
Asking questions like this and answering them can help us make sure we’re heading in the right direction in life.
A lifelong lesson learned - just because we want to heal and even feel called to do so, does not mean we should. It has taken me decades to learn this. Obseving myself initially go for that answer (to be able to magically heal everyone) and then being like wait…. that could actually be a fucking disaster… was a very trippy experience.
Noticing that I believe in others (certain others) more than I do myself and champion them more than I do myself is also a recent development. When I apply that same love I have given to certain people to myself, well shit, I don’t think I’d need a “special gift” — because that level of self-connection and integration makes you unstoppable. That is a special gift, opening the door to all other gifts. That also was a trip to think about. This is why I share it with you, because if I benefitted that much from answering one question, I know I won’t be the only one. So I’m passing it on.
What would special gift/ability would you have if you could have anything, and why?