A Message To Truth Seekers...
We must stop perpetuating divide and conquer tactics. Death teaches us that LOVE is TRUTH, yet we are bound by chains that DIVIDE. There is no love without connection and no truth without love.
Hello and Memento Mori 🏴☠️
Let’s trim the fat and stop wasting this precious gift called life.
We are more powerful than we realize… yet we are in detriment today.
HEADS UP: This post is a deviation from alchemizing grief and the Medicine found in our experiences with death. This is urgent and relevant to our culture and survivability as a collective, so that is why I am writing about it. It does concern life and death, and it does concern our blatant need to return back to love, but other than that, this is not what you are used to reading on this publication. Bare that in mind when you continue.
I see division everywhere. I find unity in pockets. We are even divided within ourselves, walking contradictions with blindspots that our egos will do anything to avoid illuminating.
If we use any of our personal stances or actions as a way to prop ourselves above another group of people, we’ve been psy-opped. (A psyop is a psychological operation. If you’re new to that term, just think of me saying, you’ve been had, or you’ve been manipulated.)
It is truly maddening how OBSESSED people are in finding superiority with race, gender, religion, celebrity, victimhood, morality, vaccination status, the list goes on. But I’m gonna speak on that last part - the divide I see regarding the vaccine. There is a level of danger I’m witnessing in the collective psyche that needs to be called out.
To be clear, I did NOT participate in the COVID mRNA vaccine trials, and never will. To those wondering, YES, I experienced people wishing death on me for not participating in an ongoing human bioengineering experiment. I know millions of us on the planet dealt with that for a long time, and there is a deep wound and resentment because of that. Families and communities were torn apart because talking heads on the television instructed kin to turn against kin. Free thought and bodily autonomy was a crime, and propaganda was hailed as salvation. One may argue it still is, despite 100,000+ of disclosed data from vaccine manufacturers who plainly state the vaccine never did what they all promised us it would do. I won’t go further into that because thats not what this post is about.
Now that people who did take the vaccines are dying in tragic rates, I see people who have been through what I went through (having death wished upon them), and they are now celebrating these deaths. I see daily posts online to the tune of,
“Hey look! Another one dead from the vaccine! Haha I was right!”
Are we so disconnected from one another, are our hearts so FROZEN and our egos so inflamed, that we celebrate a DEATH because it means we were right!? Does anyone else not see how insane that is?!
You didn’t like it when they did it to you, did you? So you think you’re justified in doing the exact same thing? That makes you everything you claim to disown and rise against. It makes you everything you say you despise in this world. You have become your own opposition.
This is a war against ALL of humanity. You are behaving like a parasite if you’re “in the fight” for clout, posting sensationalist content with no solution just for clicks and views.
Either be in this fight for the cause, or go back to sleep and stop clogging up the routes to progress, because the people who took the vaccine are going to need help if/when they get sick, so how about we stop with the bullshit and figure out a way where we can all get through this.
It terrifies me to see what is happening because of this pharmaceutical experiment. One of my dearest friends is dead because of it. Whistleblowers early on were silenced or killed (note the case of Dr. Andreas Noack for one of the more striking examples) and as far as people who grew up trusting “authorities” in media and government? If you run a google search looking for any of this, you are flooded with propaganda. It is a very long road to being able to see through the bullshit and find sources that are honest.
Combine that with the fact that most people do NOT have a working knowledge of statistics, and yes, numbers do lie if you don’t understand that. You can absolutely manipulate the conclusion of a report while still using the correct data. It comes down to your wording and the exclusion of certain key factors, like sample size, or cut-off time in how long each test subject was monitored, criteria one had to meet in order to be considered “this” vs “that”, the list goes on.
The sources that most have been programmed to trust are often the most vile propagators of misinformation, to the point where they should all be facing charges of manslaughter. So why are we confused that so many people believed the narrative?
What we are seeing in regards to these “sudden deaths” on a global scale is not going to be slowing down. Just because we are not vaccinated doesn’t mean the majority of our family or friends aren’t. I do not find this amusing at all. I want to find a solution because I do not want to watch idly while “they all fall down”.
We need to figure out how to HELP. The time for blaming and fights is a questionable luxury of the past. This whole “No Amnesty” thing is beyond ridiculous, anyone shouting that from the rooftops is playing directly into the divide and conquer agenda and is placing their personal hurt feelings above clear thinking. Yeah, people were shitty and a lot of them still are. Yes, it was and is heartbreaking.
They are still NOT the enemy. The people who outlined and executed Event 201, the people who created this concoction, the Bilderberg Group, gain-of-function research scientists, the World Economic Forum, Agenda 21 / 2030, the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird and all other programs designed at brainwashing a population by means of propaganda, are a much better starting point.
There can be no resistance without resilience - and how resilient are we if we are fragmented into tiny factions? THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Zero resilience = zero effectiveness = bread and circus clown show.
Sound familiar?
I don’t care if you’re a truth seeker and I don’t care if someone hurt your feelings or took your job or made you homeless, JOIN THE CLUB. I went through the same thing, as did millions of other people. That is NOT an excuse to feed into this, unless your goal is the complete fall of humanity. Then of course, proceed.
At some point the shit has to stop rolling downhill- are you going to perpetuate madness or are you going to be solution-based?
Yes it hurts when your own kin trusts a media talking head over YOU. It’s hard to not be angry. I have felt emotions from full-on rage to extreme grief and hopelessness in processing these experiences. But what made these people so prone to this? What has chains around their mind to that degree? And where are our own chains? are we delusional enough to think we have none, just because we’re privy to a few global psy-ops?
Stop celebrating the death of your fellows who fell prey to the largest marketing scheme in modern history. You might not be jabbed, but a lot of our friends and families are. Think about the implications this has for the kids, for the unborn, future generations. How much is it affecting pregnancies and how will it alter children born from vaccinated parents?
Most importantly: how can we come together, organize and mobilize to properly present the truth without being obliterated from all media platforms, and how can we formulate and then circulate a working solution? This will take time, but what worthy endeavor doesn’t? This affects everyone, vaccinated or unvaccinated. We all still share the same world, and we all still love one another - do you really want to keep living your whole life with relationships being torn apart over a fucking pharmaceutical product? I realize we can’t control other people and some will never want to see the truth, but in my opinion, we could be doing a better job at making it more visible to people who are unaware.
The biggest problem I see in the “truth seeker” community is a lack of focus, because there are so many issues or “conspriacies” that it feels like there’s a hot new psy-op that has everyone buzzing every day. This is also by design. One way to control a populations mind is by giving them NO information. The other? Information overload.
If we are constantly pulled in different directions, we can’t possibly see anything through. I understand the philosophy behind the Exit and Build movement, people are tired of trying to convince people, so they want to abandon society as we know it and build their own. I was with that for a hot minute. To a degree I still am, but I’ll be honest, the internal pull I have to not abandoning the majority of society who isn’t “red pilled” simply because they have no idea and are bombarded with distractions and the pressures of life, is something that will not let me rest. I can’t turn my back on them, even if they turned theirs on me. Believe it or not, there have been people over the years that once thought all this shit was nuts, who later, when exposed to proper information, began to see through the narrative. All of us were once ignorant to this stuff too.
We need to figure out how to detox people from this poison and find out if their immune systems can be de-programmed and returned to their natural states BEFORE receiving the mRNA tech (not to mention the loads of graphene). What I believe we should NOT be doing is laugh as they have heart attacks and die. I don’t care that they made memes about the graves of the unvaccinated or applauded as unvaccinated people allegedly died of COVID. We know how fucked up that is, so why would we do it in return? Do we really want change, or do we just want to be right?
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