I’ll level with you,
I’m so exhausted I do not have the brain power to deep dive on the upcoming lunar (9/17) or solar eclipse (10/2) - what I’m going to do is share from my own experience great things to do, great things NOT to do - unless you want to unlock level 10 of pandoras box (which I have done more than once holy shit) - a bonus piece of intel incase you do fuck around and find out, PLUS an article and some videos from astrologers who know what they are talking about.
Hi. Congratulations. We’re already in the Eclipse Window.
10 days leading up, the days in between the two eclipses (they always come in pairs) and 10 days after. If you want to know how this shit affects you, figure out your ascendant, what houses these eclipses are happening in for you - Pisces is the lunar eclipse with Rahu, Virgo is the solar eclipse with Ketu - if you think those signs are wrong, go outside at night, look at the sky, and see where everything is.
Hint - tropical astrology’s calculations didn’t calculate for the precession of the equinoxes and therefore it is now off by about 24 degrees.
Since people like names for everything, these are Sidereal signs, or Vedic signs / astrology, that I reference.
Or, keep it simple and just observe both yourself and the world around you, but understand, this ain’t the only thing going on in the sky either.
Right now we currently have an exact Sun (Leo - yes Leo) at 20 degrees opposing Saturn (Aquarius) at 20 degrees.
This exact opposition will shift 9/12 but if you feel like you’re running into a brick wall, exhausted, melancholy, etc., could be some of the “squeeze” from that. I’m personally not a fan.
If you’re running on insatiable impulse and doing stupid shit, you have yourself to blame, but the eclipses will always enhance our inner-stupidity, among other things.
I guess this is a salty/vague astrology post so, meh. Let’s get into the do’s, the don’ts, the “well since you’re here” piece, and then I’ll let the professionals do the talking.
Hi, before I get into it, if you like Mystic Blues music with a touch of Dystopia Coal Mine Canary in your lyrics, my song Algorithm Ghetto is coming out on October 4th, and I’d love it TONS if you could pre-save it on your platform of choice.
This helps with it not getting suppressed in the actual algorithm ghetto and you may do so for free here. It helps get the message out so other people who have been watching this circus for the last 5-20 years know they aren’t alone:
🌟 https://lnk.to/AlgorithmGhetto 🌟
If you saved it on the former link, that one magically stopped working, the above link is through a different company and should work.
Among other things, tech glitches and authoritative blocks (like digital “content teams” nearing an “election”) have fucking ABOUNDED in trying to even get this song past the distributors. This can be seen in our celestial bodies as well.
Long story. Your help is appreciated. Okay, ONWARD!!
Here’s some shit you CAN do and is always suggested!
MEDITATE. Eclipses have always been a time for deep meditation and prayer, especially DURING the eclipse.
Reflect inward, don’t try to go nuts exerting outward.
BASICS - mind your health, your sleep, your food intake and quality, exercise, and a LOT of rest.
I can’t stress the prayer and meditation piece enough. This is what you do. You lay low.
Slow living is your friend. SLOW. Adhere to the spiritual nature of life and into deep listening. If you have people you connect with on this level, be around them.
Here’s some shit to NOT do at all if you can help yourself:
DO NOT start an account on a dating app and then start dating someone while still in the eclipse window or even two days after the first eclipse holy SHIT (can you tell I’ve done this before?)
Don’t start a new relationship
Probably don’t re-start an old relationship that already ended
Do NOT start anything new if it’s important to you
I will add that eclipses are “shadowy” times by nature, we’re having both luminaries blacked out for a time being, so things are almost always NOT what the fuck they seem.
Take heed.
Sometimes nasty truths come out during this time too, but again, take heed. Don’t be an idiot either but IMPULSE is not your friend right now. Just let the dust settle, pay attention - Listen, Watch and OBSERVE. Do not absorb.
If you accidentally do the “DO NOT” things or do some other stupid shit that winds up throwing your life into chaos a few weeks or months down the line:
Understand that eclipses do bring fated events. If you did something that you KNEW not to do, but suddenly got a case of amnesia (genuinely) and wound up doing it, well you probably were meant to learn from that - meaning whatever that experience is/was, you cannot escape it.
With that said, congratulations, you jumped into a black hole with teeth and now you get the opportunity to grow or die. This is one of the most potent times for change, and it will likely be one of the most painful IF you use it correctly and don’t avoid the lesson and take responsibility for your situation/life.
If you find yourself at rock bottom, let your prayers for help turn into QUESTIONS, not requests. Just my two cents here. Ask what you are supposed to learn, and if you are truly ready to break whatever cycle you’re faced with, ask what it really will take for you to NEVER be in that scenario again, and then fucking do it, no matter what it is and no matter how bad it hurts, do it.
You will now have used a series of traumatic and insane events to free yourself from a karmic cycle and/or addiction that you had no idea how to get free of before, and now you’re essentially reborn. High five!
I actually do mean that seriously I’m just tired as said earlier.
Eclipses will absolutely bring about crises, destabilization and often repeats of karmic cycles. The reason this is necessary is because growth is impossible without destabilization and shifting.
So this is why people suggest not to plant serious roots or foundations during these times - they are shifting and destabilizing and wildly chaotic by nature.
You can also avoid everyone and everything buuuuuut that doesn’t much help your evolutionary case aaaaaand if you’re anything like me, you could be alone in a room and still find ways to get yourself in an unbelievable amount of trouble so, may the odds be ever in your favor or whatever tf they said in that movie.
Also take note that depending on which areas of your chart these eclipses take place in, that’s where you’ll notice the changes.
I like to keep a daily log when I’m tracking transits and celestial events. However much we pontificate and say about shit beforehand, it’s amazing when we document things in real time.
I’ve seen very malefic energy / configurations produce liberation and in some cases life-saving protection, both in myself and others.
I’ve also seen transits I’d imagine would be incredible be absolute shit shows, so, it’s not always so simple to condense into an article, and the natal / primary directions charts of the individual must be considered, along with their general health / psyche conditions. “The Substance of the Nativity” as the ancient texts say.
With that said,
is fucking awesome, do not let my profanity or lack of astrological professionalism reflect upon her, she does not know me, but she’s fabulous. I’d suggest her article here on the ‘Stack if you want to learn. ALSO, the great Trifon Nikolov. He is who I go to for astrological consultations. He is absolutely magnificent. I love him. I also love Lada Duncheva and Krasi. I’ll link videos and article below. XO
Trifon’s breakdown of all of September:
Krasi speaks on Lada Duncheva’s channel about the eclipse, includes brief breakdown for all 12 ascendant (rising) signs:
There are a lot of other videos, as well as books, that you can find on this subject matter. Benjamin Dykes has good astrology and astronomy books, then there is the translation of Mathesis by Julius Firmicus you can also access.
Here is the article by :
Thanks yall!! TTYL
Pre-Save Algorithm Ghetto: https://lnk.to/AlgorithmGhetto
Poetry from past two days:
Nice one. October 2nd can't wait. Get those nodes to go somewhere else.
This is what I needed to get my ass moving. I am also tired. So very tired. I get it. Time to wrap things up before I batten down the hatches.